Udarich Campaign Session 6 Report in Charyba | World Anvil
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Udarich Campaign Session 6

General Summary

  • While Larka had her vision from communing with the inorganic nerves of the Raziel, Petrichor and Bigwig realize that the Sending Stones meant to connect them with the other Nightwalkers are vibrating. They glow with the same pink with blue tinge energy surrounding Larka and stop when her vision finishes. Bigwig and Petrichor tried to communicate through the stones while they're vibrating but could only hear each other, not whatever third party was involved.
  • Larka talked about her vision. She thinks that Kagero somehow made it safely back to her tribe, but that they're in danger. The group theorizes that the undead vargar mentioned in the necromancer's notes was Windtooth.
  • Bigwig mentioned the effect Larka's power had on the sending stones. Larka voluntered to commune with the the ship nerves again, finding herself back in the black planescape standing among ship passengers. When Bigwig pressed the glowing sending stone to Larka, the figure of Lockpick.
  • Larka sees a vision of Lockpick and Windtooth running through the flaming ship. They find Peacelover but are caught in a secondary blast. Peacelover is thrown from the ship and Windtooth is caught in a flash of light from the ship wall. He tries to attack her. The vision flashes forward to Lockpick with nasty burns limping back to the room they had stayed in and Lockpick being teleported away. The vision shows her staggering and falling in front of a dwarf woman who rushes to her and calls for help.
  • The party investigated the crash site and, along with Zinnia and Sera around the perimeter, determined that no one still on the ship would have survived the crash. Zinnia realized while patrolling that they had travelled further into Church of Gorthag territory than she realized. If they run into any Church soldiers, Zinnia and Sera said they could not be involved for fear of thought detecting mages. Zinnia was concerned that a soldier picking up on their presence may cause the Church to attack the Catfolk Freehold.
  • Before sleeping for the night, Sera offered to tell the story of the Skyflame. The party was not particularly interested but felt bad when Zinnia told Sera to lay off the storytelling and asked to hear it anyway.
  • While Hest was keeping watch that night, a mysterious air genasi appeared in the camp. He identified himself as Oten and seemed to know Hest, saying that Hest's parents knew him and asked her to watch over as a guardian. This seemed to be the first time since Hest had left the Six Tenet Monastery that he saw her, though. Ravenna told Hest to show Oten an acceptable level of respect given his godly heritage.
  • The others awoke and were surprised that Oten had slipped in unnoticed. Larka recognized Oten's name from the book that had been in the necromancer's mansion and Oten mentioned he was an adventuring author.
  • Oten asked Hest how she had been doing. Hest confessed her Wild Magic had cut Ravenna's soul from her body and trapped it inside the amulet around her neck. Oten offered to help return Ravenna's soul to her body if Hest and her party went north to retrieve a tome. He did warn her that a new religious cult has taken hold in the castle he left it in. Hest was concered but decided to think on this offer. She declined Oten's offer to separate Ravenna's amulet from her chest, though.
  • After this offer, Larka decided to show off her new juggling trick with her psychic knives. Oten didn't seem to understand what she's showing. Larka used her knives to cut a tree branch. Seeing this, Oten's mood darkened immediately. He thanked the party for their conversation and left immediately.
  • The party were confused why Oten didn't seem to see Larka's power. They had Hest ask Ravenna about what type of power Larka was using, but Ravenna didn't recognize it.
  • The next morning, Zinnia asked the party if they were still returning to Ghispar. Larka, worried about her tribe, wanted to return to Ribahrn. The party still decided to go with Zinnia, a trip that would take them about four days.
  • During the trip, the party was ambushed by a group of Church of Gorthag soldiers. Zinnia and Sera were forced to hide while the party dealt with the Church soldiers. The leader, an earth mage, asked why they would be trespassing on Church territory without written permission. The mage attempted to read the party's minds. Larka realized that she could peer into the mage's mind in return. She learned that the mage was afraid of attacks from the west in addition to the raids they'd been facing in the east. He realized Larka was in her head, though, and attacked.
  • Bigwig tussled with the mage's Earthen Grasp spell while Hest and Larka dealt with his mephits and soldiers. Bigwig looted the mage and found a book of spells, though she couldn't read it, and a gemstone ring.
  • One night during the travel, Bigwig had a dream. She was trapped under a pile a rubble, forced to crawl on her stomach through a tiny cavern. With enough crawling, she saw the light of a flame ahead. When she came close to the flame, Bigwig saw that it was burning on the head of an enormous serpent staff carved of obsidian. She reached for the staff and the flame transformed into two glowing red eyes. Bigwig heard a voice saying "Strong...child." The voice offered Bigwig its strength and Bigwig accepted.
  • When Bigwig awoke, she found herself with a red, coiling snake tattoo along her right forearm. The part was concerned where this would have come from, especially when Bigwig seemed to gain the ability to shoot acid. When she cast Acid Splash, the serpent tattoo glowed. Zinnia saw the tattoo and mentioned it looked like something she had seen in Ghispar but couldn't identify it.
  • Later that day, the party arrived in Ghispar. Zinnia helped the party pass through the guards before leaving to report to the Catchief. She told the party that they would likely be summoned before the end of the day for their reward payment. The party was sad that they wouldn't be able to see the city with Zinnia. She said she'd be happy to show them around the following day but needed to report imminently. Zinnia listed a few places that they may be interested in, including a bookshop. She also told the party they should expect a summons to the Catchief's Hall before the end of the day.
  • Larka decided to ask around and learned about the bookshop Whitepaw's. There, they met Niamina, a tabaxi with black and red patterned fur, except for her white-furred right paw. She told them that they sold books and low level magic. Larka asked if she had any maps and Niamina provided her with a variety of options. Larka bought a map of travel paths around Udarich.
  • Hest asked if Niamina had anything of particular interest to sell. Niamina instead asked the party if they were free for a job and to return the following night to hear the details. She would be eternally grateful if they fulfilled this job.
  • Hest then asked if she knew anything about the book Oten asked her about. Niamina thought very little of Oten, calling him an oaf even if he did have a talent in magic. She seemed to think very little of genasi compared to most people.
  • Bigwig asked to use her skills to read the spellbook she had found. Niamina confirmed it mostly contained geomancy spells, but that it would be difficult to use unless one had mastered the arcane arts. Bigwig also asked her about the tattoo. Niamina recognized it as the symbol of the Cult of Arazid and asked if she was a cultist.Bigwig refuted this and asked if the tattoo could be hidden. Niamina said only for a day at a time. Instead, Bigwig paid to have her ring identified. Niamina identified it as a Ring of Earthen Concentration. She also pointed out the cloak Petrichor had stolen from the necromancer was a Cloak of Many Fashions.
  • The party left Whitepaw's.
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Report Date
05 Nov 2023


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