BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Summer Camp 2024! :D

Let's goooooo! I've been so stoked for this year's Summer Camp, and I'm ready to start!

As well as the homework, this article will also contain notes and lists of the prompts for the actual Summer Camp. I'll put jump links/anchors in the side bar for easier navigation.

Week 1: Change

Assignment 1: Theme

What kind of changes fits in my world's theme, genre, and other foundational points?

As I have come to the realization that my world is a bit underdeveloped in major/important/basic areas, I'm trying to build on it now. Change will be a good theme for that, as I have a couple of points that I already know have important changes (like the change in eras in time, and the industrial change) that I can work on. I can probably work on things in Orebo, how they've changed over time, and also stuff like the Academy and major religions (Athiss and related stuff). I have also spoken with a friend to work on a couple of languages with (common and highlanders probably), so hopefully that will also get a big push!

Assignment 2: Set a Goal

How many articles can I write in July? Fill in the pledge document.

Last year I managed to sprint my way up to 16 written articles! I am very proud of my accomplishment, and hope that I can, with more and better planning, make the cut this year as well. I'm working a bit more this year's July though, so I won't beat myself up if I don't manage to finish all 16. I think I'll be content either way, considering the improvements I've done on my world in general! So I'll aim for 16 articles this year, but I'll be okay with 8 done as well!

Assignment 3: Organize

Organize my categories and especially tags.

I've been trying to work more with the tags since last year, but now then I'll have a reason to devote more time to it! And the categories have only been a consideration to change, but I'll look more into it now.

Assignment 4: Prepare Meta

Work on my meta.
God, there is so much I haven't done ':D I'll try to fill in what I can, but I have a feeling that there is a lot I haven't figured out yet for myself, so it'll be very hard to actually fill in everything.

Week 2: Refuge

Assignment 1: Theme

Consider what kinds of refuge would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

I have thought of some different categories for different kinds of refuge. The first one is personal refuge; where would my characters turn to find some piece of mind? Zeg Ward and Devian Altari are especially fond of the castle's garden, so that would be a point of interest to write about. The second category, or a bigger take on the first would be cultural refuge/refuge for the mind. Where do people go to escape a hard day's work? Libraries, concerts, clubs, theaters, museums etc. What kind of relaxation culture do they have?

The other big category I thought of was medical refuge, and then also refugees. Hospitals and other places of healing. What kind of medical knowledge to they have and practice? Who are the refugees? Why, how and from what do they flee? How are these people welcomed and taken care of?

Assignment 2: Accountability Buddy

Find a community.

My boyfriend probably. He likes to participate in this on the side, and gives me a lot of good ideas and motivation.

I could spice things up and look for something on discord, as I have slowly dipping my toes in the social waters, so to speak.

Assignment 3: Styling

Find ways to improve styling and layout in your world!
I have an article that works like a to-do list, which also has a list of art-stuff I want to make. I really want to include more of my art, both because I really like making it and also because the articles look more fun with more pictures. It will not be something I can finish before July, but it is an ongoing project to fill up my world with pictures!

Assignment 4: CSS

If you’re a CSS wizard, maybe take the time now to give it a polish!
I'm not a CSS wizard, and I haven't done anything with CSS ever. My boyfriend has tried a bit of coding and may have some knowledge, but it's absolutely not a priority for me, more like a dream/far off goal.

Week 3: Belief

Assignment 1: Theme

Consider what kind of beliefs would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

As pretty much everyone else, religion comes to mind when I hear the word belief. On that point I have some things to work on, and by some things I mean basically everything! The only religion related stuff I have are the mentions of the Raven god, worshiped by the Altari family and Athiss, the god mother and creator of the world. Athiss also has her first child Kassuro, and both of these are mentioned in Athiss' Creation, the most common creation myth (the article isn't finished yet tho). I'm thinking that this myth is part of the "base religion", like the Abrahamic religions in our world which share older parts of the religion.

Aside from religion, belief can of course also be ideals and social norms. Relations between different parts of society, like stereotypes. Taboo and shame is also strong things people believe in, which can cause both distancing and unity.

Assignment 2: Inspiration

Create a bank of inspirations! Quotes, music, description of experiences and shower thoughts, etc.

At first I couldn't think of any inspiration I use, like at all ':) But looking around in my images folders and different social media I remember all the thousands of pictures of inspiration I actually use. There are a lot of images from amazing artists on Instagram; photos of nature and architecture; memes with fantasy spice; stuff from different shows and movies I've watched; and bits of interesting history.

I like to take walks in places I haven't really been before, even if it's just in my neighborhood. It's fun to take closer looks on ones surroundings!

Assignment 3: Images and Maps

Find art and pictures that inspire you, and grab a map if you don't have one (and need one).

As an artist, I can't really think to put much other than my own art on here haha! Last year, for the Reading Challenge, one of my goals were to add more art. As I also said in the part about styling, I have a list of articles that I will make better and/or more art for. I have gotten a bit more motivated and will fill up my world with more and more art!

As for maps, they are a very difficult thing for me to do, but I really want to get better at it! Currently I have a total of 3 maps, and 2 of them are made by me. Besan Isles was an article I made for the Call to Cartography, and I am very proud of the map! On the list of art, I have a bunch of places that need maps. Some examples are Orebo (which already has a map, but I don't like it), Surusus and Borvall. City/settlement maps are unfortunately the kind of maps that I find most difficult to make, but then there is only improvement from here on haha!

Assignment 4: Old Inspiration

Check your inspirations again. Are they still relevant? Can you find any that better represent the current state of your project?

I haven't added any inspirations yet, so there is nothing for me to look over haha ':D

Week 4: Decay

Assignment 1: Theme

Consider what kind of changes would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

A lot of these themes have connected to similar parts of my world. Decay is no different, where remnants of gods decay in the ordinary world without the magic to sustain it. Maybe some ruins are man-made, destroyed as an act of wrath and hopelessness for those left behind.

Then we have natural, physical decay. Decay is a big part of the ecosystem, and essential for it to function. I'll think of the big parts of the cycle, like the different types of creatures that feast upon decay and bring that life elsewhere. I could also write about a traditional burial; where the body is lowered into the ground beneath their birth tree, and left to the ecosystem to take care of and use.

Assignment 2: Environment

Optimize my writing environment.
I usually sit at my desk at home when writing the actual articles, but otherwise I have a notebook or my phone to scribble ideas whenever and wherever they come up! I'll keep my desk clean and a bottle of water at hand. My partner has his desk right next to mine, so I'll see if I can time my writing to when he's not gaming or watching Youtube, otherwise I might have to move to the kitchen table to concentrate. We can communicate well, so that'll probably not be too big of an issue.

Assignment 3: Homepage

Review your world homepage to hook potential readers!
This one I've thought about recently when reading other peoples' preps, 'cause everyone has such a nice and cohesive homepage! I'll probably rewrite the intro text, and as the next task involves, write an introductory article for the world. I should be able to spice things up with some new pictures, but more than that will probably take to much time for me to be honest, so I'll stop there for now.

Assignment 4: Intro and Author Page

Take a look at your author profile and pillar articles on your world and polish them!
I have not made an introduction article yet, so that will happen soon hopefully! And my author page has been untouched basically since I created this account some 5 years ago so that will definitely need an update/polish as well!

Copper Wave: Change

Silver Wave: Refuge

Gold Wave: Belief

Diamond Wave: Decay


Click the header to jump to that section.

Prep week 1:

1. Change
2. Pledge
3. Category & Tags
4. Meta

Prep week 2:

1. Refuge
2. Accountability Buddy
3. Styling
4. CSS

Prep week 3:

1. Belief
2. Inspiration
3. Images and Maps
4. Old Inspiration

Prep week 4:

1. Decay
2. Writing Environment
3. Homepage
4. Intro & Author Page


Copper: Change


Silver: Refuge


Gold: Belief


Diamond: Decay



16/40 prompts done


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Jun 25, 2024 18:36 by Mochi

Best of luck! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge!
Jun 26, 2024 18:18 by Agnes

Thanks, and to you too! :D