Our Demons are Many Plot in Deabros | World Anvil

Our Demons are Many

Reports of attacks from nightmare-fuel creatures along the road north have called our heroes forth to investigate. They cannot make it beyond to the dwarf lands north without first dealing with this threat. Besides, if they care so much for the fate of the world, shouldn't they help make it a safer place on the way?    

Plot points/Scenes

Act I

The party learned of "demons" attacking travelers and merchants to the north, between Auris and Rikgrasz.   After entering the area, the party detected the presence of these creatures through the scent of sulphur. Dagda spotted a smoke trail in the distance, so at first light, they trekked up to the smoke trail and encountered five fiery hounds. The party overcame the encounter, and must now investigate further.   The party is approached soon after at their camp by a small Imp who calls himself "Mike". He tells the Party that they are to meet with the "Overlord", the master of the hounds and of Mike and those like Mike.   Overnight, Master Cleric Hedezzenar comes to arrest Kezias Lightbringer for "colluding with the demons". Master Cleric Hedezzenar seems to suggest some sort of link between corruption from the demons and Wurvblight. Kezias goes with Hedezzenar, but Graham stays with the Volunteers.   The Volunteers continue to the cave with Mike the Imp. There, they discover the imps and demons are eating humanoids. The Volunteers persuade the imps to survive off small creatures, like squirrells. They then rescue the eladrin held captive in the cave as food for the demons. Feylan directs them south to Auris.   The Volunteers then continue through the cave and encounter the "Overlord". The Overlord desires a deal, a deal for knowledge and power in exchange for the Volunteers destroying "the Beast". The Party learns the Storm Mother may be a "sister" to the beast of prophesy.   Bellor Stormcaller refuses the deal outright. Nix and Graham have a terrible feeling about the deal.   The Overlord attacks the party with the loss of the potential deal. The party defeats him, with Graham delivering the final blow. Graham obtains the makings of a totem from his horn, the makings of an amulet from his claw, and Artain gains the makings of a possible armor or cloak from the Overlord's hide.


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