Feylan Aurëtulya Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Feylan Aurëtulya

Grand Guildmaster of the Thalantir Feylan (a.k.a. Aurëtulya)

Feylan Aurëtulya, one of the original Thalantir of old, has made huge impacts in his life. At the young age of 82, he and the Thalantir destroyed the terrible Balhannoth, rescued the eladrin from a terrible predatory trap, saved Karnaggonn, the Morning Star from being forever trapped in a mountain, befriended Volthaarius, the Traveler in the Silver Mist, destroyed the Avenging Warlord, putting a stop to the Ukavrike Grand Tribe invasion of Eandor. He helped his allies end the Wurvblight and dedicate much of his remaining life to hunting down terrible monsters and beasts in the world raining havoc down upon Eandorans.   After the death of Graham Lightbringer, Feylan inherited the leadership of the Thalantir Guild and has dedicated himself to continuing to build up the legendary heroic organization.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Feylan is in excellent physical condition. He possesses a strong and flexible physique, honed from a lifetime of surviving in the wilderness. His Eladrin heritage grants him agility and adaptability, allowing him to navigate various terrains with ease. Though not particularly muscular, his body is well-conditioned for agility and endurance, which serves him well in his role as a ranger.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Feylan originally hailed from a nomadic tribe known as "The Wanderers." He grew up in the wilderness, learning survival skills, and exploring the lands alongside his parents, Laufey and Leran, and the rest of their tribe. His mother taught him archery, while his father imparted knowledge about the world beyond the forest. Feylan's life took a tragic turn when, in his 30s, his mother mysteriously disappeared. He continued to wander with his father and the tribe, but when Leran vanished in his 60s, he was left with only a cryptic note. It urged him to be strong and survive, hinting at a future meeting or reunion. Feylan carried the legacy of his parents, when he discovered the true cause of their disappearances and deaths. He uncovered the evil plot of the Balhannoth, who had lured countless scores of Eladrin to their doom, and destroyed the monster.   In 475, Feylan joined with the Thalantir. He was responsible for helping to uncover the truth of the Balhannoth and defeating it. He also acted as one of the mentors of Graham Lightbringer throughout the journey. Along with the Thalantir of Old, he defeated the wurvblight, ended the reign of the Avenging Warlord, and destroyed a rising demonic infestation. Feylan is lauded as a hero of the world. After 475, Feylan mostly disappeared from the world to hunt monsters.   In the years that followed, Feylan was known to visit Graham and Dagda at Dawnrest, and frequented cities within Talashan and Dokan.   In 487, Feylan responded to a surging attack of monsters in Dawnrest. After monsters overran the town, he helped to organize a defense and counterattack against the beasts.   In 503, Feylan met Theoden Fazana during the Cirithandor fires, where he helped to combat the spreading wildfire.   In 521, the Hellfire of Dreams occurs and reduces Crusader's Crest to ruins, killing scores of troops and civilians. Feylan arrives to the ruins within days and efforts to help rebuild and save those he can. He is witness to the strange turbulent weather systems that begin within the day, where he expressed concern and worry about the power of the gods over the mortal plane.   When the Elective Monarchy of Dokan and Darkson Empire begin their invasion in Janaury of 522, Feylan departs Crusader's Crest and helps those that will follow him out of the city.  

Intellectual Characteristics

Feylan possesses a sharp eye for detail, honed by his life as a wandering ranger. He's an adept problem solver, relying on practicality to navigate the wilderness and survive. Curiosity drives his quest to understand why his fellow wanderers left, making him naturally inquisitive. No one really knows what Feylan's beliefs are as he keeps much of it to himself. One might be able to infer a general disdain for the divine, however, in the way he suspects the ill-intent of higher beings.

Personality Characteristics


As far as anyone can tell, Feylan's motivations are solely with the Thalantir. He has devoted his life to continuing to improve the guild, recruit new members, and send them out to make a difference.


Religious Views

Feylan's religious views are influenced by his upbringing. He holds beliefs in several deities, with a particular focus on Yva, the goddess of life and death. He believes that all living beings return to Yva eventually, emphasizing the cyclical nature of life and the afterlife. Additionally, he respects the beliefs associated with Tellera and Daylee, gods of love and emotion, and seeks to apply these principles of kindness and understanding in his interactions with others. His time spent with a druid circle has also instilled in him a reverence for nature and its inherent balance. While he may not be a devout follower, these beliefs shape his moral compass and guide his actions.

A young Eladrin is known as Feylan to the locals of Auris. He has remained a hunter in the "outcast" village and made his living providing services to the people. Mainly for the shop of his kin. He "wandered" the world with his parents before settling.

View Character Profile
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
393 PL 298 Years old
Green, striking
Purple, short
Lean, strong, flexible
Worships Yva, God of Nature, respects the remaining Yosei'Fey
Aligned Organization


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