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Session 3: Another Day, Still no Dollars Report

General Summary

This session started at the beginning of day two. You dealt with the aforementioned pirates, and were now trying to make your way on deck hastily so as to not be late. Master Scourge it turns our hates tardiness and gives out three lashes to anyone he feels did not make it on deck when summoned in adequate time. This applied to Martin d'Jorasco, Artemis, L3-37 Redgrave , and Magnum Opus who decided to try and loot the bodies. Today's work was pretty shit, but that seems to be a running trend. Luckily some progress was made in trying to convince crew members to be more friendly. Nyx Gwyn d'Kennyreaer struck up a lovely conversation with "Badger" Medlar who told her about various goings on within the Lhazaar Principalities. Seems Badger used to be friends with Barnabus Harrigan, and has been on the Wormwood for six months or so. She also mentioned two organizations: Liberty Mutual Insurance and Big Pharma who she thinks are two new big players in the Principalities.   During the Bloody Hour, everyone took their lashing. Magnum decided to antagonize Master Scourge though when he missed a few times and was sent to the Sweatbox. The rest of you ate your food, drank your ration, and went on your merry way. Nyx put on a 1-woman-play giving her rendition of the Little Mermaid which seemed to go over alright with the crew. Vivienne went to look around the quartermaster's store to see what she could find. The rest, gambled. With that, the evening came to a close. Early morning Magnum was let out of the sweatbox by Riaris Krine and Habbly Quarne, The "Stitchman". Seems the two of them don't think to highly of Master Scourge either, unless they were playing Magnum for a fool. They seemed annoyed to have to be talking with him however and yelled at him till he went below deck.   Day 3   A new day brings with it new experiences. Nyx, riding on her own coattails warmed up to a few other members of the crew. This time focusing her efforts on an Ex-slaver from Xen'Drik named Shivikah. They became fast friends, which turned into a bit more in the evening when Nyx assumed the visage of Owlbear Hartshorn. Everyone else worked diligently until the day shift was over. Only Moe Boom had an issue with their rat-catching duties, which merited him an unexpected nap after Bloody Hour. During the evening, Vivienne spoke with Fipps Chumlett and tried to make nice. Meanwhile, L3 was getting into a tussle over 5 silver pieces with Conchobhar Shortstone. Seems as though Conchobhar did not want to pay when he lost at Hog Toss, but one good punch by L3 and he was much more agreeable. Magnum, fearful of his rat-ket dissolving too early, spoke with the party about storing some rat bodies for circulation so that his friend would be unharmed. With that, everyone else hit the hay.   Day 4   You are all settling into the routine now, and have begun to try and branch out. Getting a better picture of what is happening, you are now getting into more conversations with the crew. Magnum spoke with Barefoot Samms Toppin while on crow's nest duty. Nyx spoke with Cut-Throat Grok and even managed to get their equipment back. The rest of you worked diligently until around mid-day when Jack Scrimshaw came on deck looking pale. Seems there is a problem in the bilges, and Master scourge has now made that problem yours.
Cum as you ARRRRR!
Magnum Opus
Martin d'Jorasco
L3-37 Redgrave
Moe Boom
Report Date
26 Jan 2023
Primary Location
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