BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 73

General Summary

  • The party continue questioning Afflencia, who now knows The Truth, including all of her previous memories as a goddess
  • When asked, Afflencia explains a little more about the Archdevils, how each began existence as one of The Goddess's 7 carved out "sins". Only Pride, The Arrogant remains in its original state, a creature with no solid form that appears only as shadow. The other 6 were taken over by other powerful entities over time, mostly other devils and powerful creatures who have risen through the ranks of The Hells.
  • Marty asks about Mortona, and if Afflencia knows what the elusive goddess of death wants. Afflencia admits that she has not spoken to Mortona in some time, and that none of the deities converse very often these days. She doesn't know what Mortona might want to achieve, but she does know about the Seed of Mortona. Afflencia explains that The Goddess made Kureta City to be the perfect bastion of civilisation and worship, for her. In her goal of achieving perfection and winning the prayers of all mortals, she created the city to be completely self-sustaining, with the Deddo Forest supplying the city with all the resources it could ever need. Mortona, aware that The Goddess was trying to subvert followers, planted her seed in the forest, destroying all life. The Goddess' perfect city was ruined, and the citizens of the capital quickly began to loose faith in their deity.
  • Atlas asks what's behind the door in the Temple of Mortona, which a guardian spectre of the ruin told them was "the first thing not to be dead". Afflencia reveals that is was the first undead creature of Ekina. It was created by a ritual, to defend the followers of Mortona against an attack by righteous zealots of The Goddess. The creature is apparently intelligent, unlike some other undead, and appears humanlike. Its taint on the world lead to the uprising of necromancy and other undead creatures, even though it was quickly sealed away after its creation.
  • Afflencia helps Baxilden to shape the statue of Kain into a more lifelike appearance, which the party make a mental note of in case they ever happen upon the mortal form of the God of Knowledge.
  • Leah takes Marty aside to explain that she is planning to leave The Unlikely Association. Leah feels that she is still needed in the Feywild, and could do more good there than she can in Kureta. Her relationship with Godric was keeping her tied to the group, but with this link severed, she feels like it's time to head home. Leah apologises for leaving Marty so soon after discovering the half-elf's feelings, but says that this not goodbye for good. Once things have calmed down, the Eladrin may find her way back to the group, even if it's just to have that drink. Leah has a private chat with Veda, but otherwise has a quiet goodbye.
  • Morgana arrives at dawn, and after a short, confusing conversation between the ex and new goddesses, she repairs the wrinkle in time, sending the group back to where they should have left the Feywild - everyone is accounted for, except for Leah. Veda and Marty tell the group about Leah going home, and after some sad and angry reactions, the party head back to Kureta City via Eva's teleportation circle.
  • The group arrive in the conjuration chamber at the University of Magic, where they initially head over to Odion, The Transmuter to make sure he's alive. The handsome professor is alive and well it seems, so the party warn him to be extra careful, as he dies in the next 5 months. Somewhat believing this tale, Odion agrees to arrange a meeting between the high professors and the adventuring group at a later date.
  • Marty heads to Adina, The Diviner to ask about elven heritage. Leah had mentioned in her goodbye that elves were reborn when they died, their souls passing on to a new elf each time. Adina, being a half-elf, offers some insight on the elusive elves, but doesn't know a whole lot. It seems the people of the forest have many more secrets than previously thought.
  • Atlas heads back to the tower with Verana Mavros, as Veda rushes off to see her husband.
  • Godric and Eva head to the Order of the Shield, but are interrupted on the way by a young boy. The kid tells Eva that there is a man looking for her at the Water Dragon Tavern, with very long black hair, weapons, and who looks "kinda foreigny".
  • Eva leaves Godric to meet this fellow, paying the boy a couple of gold pieces for his trouble.
  • At the tavern, Eva meets a man called Kenshin, who hails from Sonkai. Kenshin explains that he has travelled to Kureta to find his family sword, and that it is apparently at the bottom of a lake near Kaiz. Kenshin met Eva's father on the trip south, who told him all about Eva and her adventuring group.
  • Kenshin has been unable to retrieve the sword by himself, as he is in need of magical assistance. Hearing the deeds of The Unlikely Association, he now seeks their aid in this quest.
  • Realising that this sword must be Calis, one of the Keys of Fate the party are looking for, Eva agrees to help Kenshin and brings him to the party's tower
  • At the Order of the Shield, Godric speaks to Commander Ariadne Knightsbridge about their trip to the future. Ariadne doesn't quite seem to believe the tiefling, but does agree to arrange a meeting tomorrow morning. Whilst there, Godric explains about his broken notebook, and the commander instructs him to head to the archives for a replacement.
  • Whilst there, Godric learns that the book he carries is a fake. The archivist gives him a new notebook, which seems to work fine.
  • The party regroup at the tower, where everyone is introduced to Kenshin. Kenshin explains his story, and reveals a family signet ring that has been passed down to him. Kenshin explains that at the bottom of the Dora Lake is a sealed stone door, with a symbol that matches his ring. The door is quite far down, and he was unable to hold his breathe long enough to get inside
  • The party agree to help, but do have some more pressing matters to attend to first. Kenshin seems happy to travel with the party for now, lending his skills as a Samurai to their cause. The party agree that if Kenshin proves trustworthy in their travels, that they will give him the "Truth" potion.
  • A knight from the order arrives at the tower to confirm that Ariadne has arranged a meeting at the knights HQ in the morning.
  • The party settle down for the night, but Marty heads off to hold another meeting of the Black Masks.
  • Eva has a late night visitor in the form of Quintella Vess. The vampire explains that their lair was broken in to, and their food has escaped. She asks Eva to use her fame to guide hapless fools her way, so that they can stock up on supplies. In exchange for this service, Quintella promises to give Eva a special book
Report Date
03 Dec 2021
Primary Location


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