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Erathan's Creation

The Beginning

Erathan a being of unfathomable power, came from the realm beyond realms. There was nothing. Erathan wanted more, but Erathan had so much in mind and didn't know where to start.   Erathan split his body into two beings. The first was Moradin who got Erathan's mind and became the god of creation. The second was Pholtus who got Erathan's soul and became the god of light.   Moradin created a plane for he and his brother to store their creations. They named it Erathan, after the being they once were. Moradin and Pholtus were unable to see the plane, for there was no source of light. So, Pholtus created a large sphere of fire above the plane, which illuminated it. When Moradin saw how flat and plain the plane was, he shaped the terrain of the plane. Formed the tallest mountains and deepest valleys to the shallowest streams and deepest ocean.   Pholtus asked for help from Moradin in a task. Pholtus wanted his light to touch all of the plane. Moradin folded and bent the plane into a sphere and set it to spin, so that over time the light will touch everything. Pholtus admired this world and was content with watching for now. He resided near the ball of light at all times.   Moradin walked around the world always staying on the side of the light. He tired of seeing only the world of light and wanted to see the darkness. He gathered all the reflective material he created in the world and created a ball of mass. He had the mass move around the world to reflect the ball of fire's light, but dimly.   Pholtus seeing Moradin creating the ball of mass, decide to help him illuminate the darkness. He collect little motes of fire's light and sealing it in the void around the world.   Moradin thought the world looked to bland and colorless, he created flowers, trees, and other plants to further brighten the world. He gave them the ability to propagate and change. He want to give the world a new form, a form he could not know the final outcome. He was full of anticipation to see it.   Pholtus saw Moradins creation and decide to give them strength. He made them grow stronger and faster in light. Moradin saw how reliant on light the plants have become. He created fungi. A form of life that could live under the world in wet and dark areas, but could also live in the light.   Moadin began the creation of new life. A type that move around and needed to sustain themselves with other forms of life. These animals thrived in both land and sea. Pholtus seeing these creations began creation of his own form of life. He wanted a life that was intelligent and would serve him and his brothers. He created the angels. He then made a lifeform that was intelligent and had the ability to propagate and change. The Elven race was born.  

The Elder Invasion

All the divine power they used for their creation, were like a beacon. Other beings began coming from the realm beyond realms. They sought the perversion of the world. These beings were known as the Elder Evils. One such Evil was Tharizdun, The Mad.   The brothers and their creations fought the Elder Evils and pushed them out of their realm, but the damage was already done. Some of their creations became warped and the Elder Evils knew where the realm is now. The Gods feared they would return with renewed strength. So the brothers combined their divine power and created the guardians of their realm, the Dragons. The Dragons and their Chief Io would safeguard the Realm from outside threats.  

The Divine

Moradin would create a race of his own, a race of creators, the Dwarves. Pholtus creating the last of the First races, he created humans.   After a time, indivduals of these races would show worthy aspects. The brothers would give these people a choice of becoming more like their creators. They were give a piece of their divinity. Moradin first gave divinity to Avandra, she became the Goddess of Change and Luck. Divinity was then given to Sune, She became the Goddess of Love and Beauty. Then to Melora, who became the Goddess of Wilderness and the Sea. Finally to Erathis, She became the Goddess of Civilization and Invention. Pholtus first gave divinity to Pelor, He became the God of the Sun and Agriculture. Divinity was then given to Celestian, who became the Goddess of Stars and Wanderers. Then to Sehanine, She became the Goddess of the Moon. And again to Helm, He became the God of Protection. Finally Pholtus gave divinity to Io the dragon chief, who became the Dragon God.   With the new divine, They restored the realm. But there were difficulties. The Elder Evils found ways for their wills to enter the realm. They would corrupt and twist the mortals of the realm for their needs. To counter act this, Moradin gave the mortal a way to combat the Elder Evils. They gave them magic. He created a network of strands between the realm and the realm beyond realms, this would hold back the Elder Evils. He then gave divinity to the guardian Lolth, who became the Goddess of the Weave. Moradin then taught the mortals to pull energy from the Weave, and chose Corellon to be their guide. He became the God of Magic. Moradin gave divinity to the angel Ioun, who guided and taught the mortals. She became the Goddess of Knowledge.   The Brothers saw the realm flourishing with an abundant of life, to much life. The Realm was in a state of overpopulation. The mortals where fighting over land and resources. Moradin came up with a radical solution. He gave divinity to Kelemvor, who became the God of Death. He then rewrote the laws of the realm and gave mortals a set amount of time to live. The mortal became angered and fearful of the Gods. Some decided to forsake them and tried to rise up against them. Pholtus then gave divinity to Aureon, he became the God of Law. He would enforce the laws of the divine and pacify the fighting. This worked for a time but the mortals continued to rebel. Some gods even sided with the mortals, one such god was Pholtus. But a dark and sinister force was at work. Tharizdun, The Elder Evil of Madness, gave power to Bane, a champion of the mortals and now the Demi-God of Conquest.  

War of the Divine

A war between the gods started, it would be the first of its kind and the last. Tharizadun sided with some of the mortals and tried to have all of the realm under his control. They would be twisted and corrupted like himself. A Pholtus and Moradin gave aid Aueron and the mortal on his side.   Pholtus gave divinity to three of his angels: Mishakal, The Goddess of Healing; Heironeous, The God of Chivalry and Valor; and Kord, The God of Strength and Storms. These were his champions against Bane and Tharizdun's mislead followers. Thousands upon thousands of battles took place between the gods. Some battles even involved Pholtus and Bane. The battles cause an influx of divine energy to spread through out the realm, with undesirable consequences.  

The Consequences

The first consequence was the weakening of the weave. Loth defended the weakened weave but was given a near fatal wound, when the Elder Evils once again pour into the realm. Io, The Dragon God and his kin fought the elder tide, but Io fell in battle. Pholtus and Bane had a ceasefire to stop the elder tide. When Io died his divinity was passed to Bahamut and Tiamat, the twin children of Io. Bahamut became the God of Justice and Nobility. And Tiamat became the Goddess of Wealth, Greed, and Vengeance. Together with the twins they pushed back the tided and restrenghtened the weave. Loth defended the weakened weave but was given a near fatal wound.   The Second consequence was beings of higher power could harness the excess divinity to ascend to godhood. The First to do this was four elves. They wanted to flee the realm with their kin. They gather the energy to created another plane and in the process they gained divinity. They were Zeboim, Goddess of Spring; Beory, Goddess of Summer; Ehlonna, Goddess of Autumn; and Auril, Goddess of Winter. Together they created the Feywild.   Many mortals tried to ascend, since they now new it was possible. Sirron, the God of Fire; Mielikki, Goddess of the Forest; Malar, God of the Hunt; Habbakuk, God of Animal Life; Mask, God of Thieves; and Ulaa, Goddess of the Hills and Mountains, just to name a few. They became Demi-gods, for they where not able to harness enough divinity. Some of these ascended join other gods and some fought them. But most of them destroyed each other.   The third consequence was another elven tribe conducting a ritual in secret. They meant to create another plane, but Kelemor and some defectors tried to stop them. The ritual failed and Kelemor slain, his divinity stolen. The new Goddess of Death was born, the Raven Queen. She punished the defectors and resides in her half finish plane, the Shadowfell.   The forth consequence, the divinity was affecting the realm itself. It would cause the primal element to gain a life of its own. The primal energies bleed out of the realm forming there own planes. Thus the inner planes of fire, earth, water, and air were created.   The fifth consequence, the divinity cause some of the plants and wild life to gain sentience. They developed their own civilizations and conflicts.   The sixth and final consequence, the Elder Evils tasted the divine energy. They could exploit it and become a part of the realm. When Tharizdun's psychical form enter the realm the land around him began to twist and warp, The God of Madness had manifested. Following him, the Elder Spawn found their way into the realm. Another Elder Evil, Holasher, The Hunger Below, ascended and became Torog, The God of the Underdark.  

The War of the Divine Continues

During a celebration of pushing back the Elder Tide, Olidammara ascended to the God of Revelry. The Elder Spawn Iuz harvest the pain and divinity from the war and became the God of Pain and Oppression. Now with Elder Gods, the war began again.   The mortals on the Elder Evils's side began to break free from their control, and join the gods. Incabulos, an elder spawn, seeing the mortal betrayers gather divinity to cause disease to spread. The God of Plague and Famine had been created.   Aureon could not protect the law of the realm. With the Elder Evil Gods and the two Elder Spawn Gods, his control over the realms laws were weakening. Pholtus and Moradin combined their divinity with Aureon to strength his control. The Elder Spawn Erythnul envious of Aureon. Slaughtered Aureon's followers and used their souls to become the God of Envy and Slaughter.   As the Gods combine their divinity, the mortals began breaking free of the Elder Gods control. Bane the mortals champion finally broke Tharizdun's control. He joined the gods and became the God of War and Conquest. The gods and mortals pushed the Elder Gods to the edges of the realm but they were now a part of the realms law. They stayed at the border and there was peace. Pholtus had hope that the peace would last. He channeled that hope and his divinity i into one of his mortal followers, Eldath. She became the Goddess of Peace.  

The Divine Seal

It was a new era of peace. The War of Divine caused massive damage to the realm. Some gods could no longer stomach the ghastly appearance of the once beautiful realm, They traveled to the realms borders. They created their own planes, some joined together created larger planes. These became the outer planes and the realm became the material.   This peace lasted for a long time. There were still some conflicts between the Gods and some Gods were destroyed by others. The Elder Spawn became more agitated as the peace went on. Their innate hate for the gods and mortals became to much. An Elder Spawn that knew its kin well and had the will to rule over them. He killed a god and took divinity for himself and became Asmodeus, God of Tyranny. Asmodeus created a plane and took with him like minded Elder Spawn, creating Hell and the Devils. The others fled from him staying on the material realm.   Tharizdun created the Abyss created an Abyss and twisted the souls he collected to horrible creatures called demons.   When Lolth's near fatal injury from the Elder Tide, slowly corrupted her with Elder energy. She had succumb to the injury. She became a Elder Being and could no longer interact with the Weave. Enraged she slaughtered and corrupted some elves to her will, and created a plane in the Abyss for herself and her slaves.   As time went on Eldath's peace could not last, with the Elder Gods causing chaos in the material realm. Pholtus approached her and shielded her from the Elder Gods. A God of Destruction had ascended. Gruumsh was the cruelest and most savage Elder God the gods had ever seen. He destroyed everything in his path, the land, the sea, the weave and even the law of the realm. He took it upon himself to give the realm an end.   The Elder Gods cause one final war, a war of extinction: The War of Eclipse.   Plotus and Moradin along with their pantheons banished the Elder Gods to the outer planes. In the fight a man name Zehir, stole divinity from a dead god. He became the God of Darkness and Poison.   The gods had made a pact with the dragons to safegaurd their followers, The Auspices Concordat.   They created the Divine Seal, to ward the material plane. No longer can a God be physical on the plane and their influence diminished.

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