Veseiax Islands

The Veseiax island are an isolated collection of islands off the shore from Allithiaore. It takes a few hours by boat to arrive there unless the winds are very favourable. The Veseiax islands have been inhabitated for a long time and used to be a part of the Raxorian Kingdom of old, and later the Zoraki kingdom. But as they are isolated they have developed their own culture in many ways. There are no local noble, and the ruling counts have never bothered to place a governor there to oversee the people leaving them to their own demise as long as the pay their taxes. The counts have been paid tribute once a year, mostly in dried/ salted deepsea fish.   The islands have one large settlement where all families have their permanent living space. But most lives in small temporary huts on the islands close to where they work. Sheperds sheperd, clay collectors collect clay et cetera. In many ways it is a semi nomadic lifestyle. There are a few freshwater streams from the centre of the island heading for the ocean and the settlement is built on an "island" between two of them.   The fishing fleet is communal worked and owned and it stays out for a couple of days, before returning ashore. They dry the catched fish and sail to the mainland to trade it, and also find new husbands or wives to make sure the gene pool is ok. As they fish further out than most mainland fishers, they get other kind of fishes making it worth it and the islands are wealthier than other similar regions on the mainland. They are also well versed in fishing large fish by harpoon.   There are no stores on the island and few take payment in coins as most large equipment is communal. A few fishermen might as they can use them when heading to the mainland to sell dried fish. No merchant have so far figured out that they could make a good trade if they gains the locals trust.   Most people living on the island are Raxorians and very conservative. They spit on the ground before beginning talking to a new person, to make sure all salt is out of the mouth before talking. If the other won't, they will try to end the conversation until the other spit as well. Once you have spoken to a person there is no need to spit again, but if it has been some time it is seen as corteous to spit the salt out.   One of the smaller island is called "the burial island" this is where the locals bury their dead. There is one very large old burial mound in the centre and several smaller surrounding it. The locals bury their dead along the coast. No one stays on the isle during the night as the "wights" come out and hunt for the living. Everyone knows the stories of finding a dead seal or the likes whichs death cant be explained naturally.   The Wyvern island is a perfect island to build a home as it has a large source of fresh water. The only problem is the wyvern who have made it its home. It is the third generation wyvern by now. There is an old ruin of a shed the island used to be where they herded sheeps. The workers manage to flee when the first wyvern arrived but the sheeps didn´t. There is nothing larger than a mouse living on the island by now. On the south east side of island there is an old old stone jettison with iron rings to fasten boats, it is still in good condition. the wyvern lives on the top of the highest hill in a small cave.


The islands are quite flat with few heights. The highest part of each island are often the centre,


The islands are cold and subject to the coppersea salty winds. They are often hit by storms.

Fauna & Flora

The Isles are subject to strong salty winds making the flora small but hardy. The most common flora is grass and heather.   There is a kind of heather which grows on the island which soothes pain. It does not remove the pain or heal damages just a small relief. Its mostly applied by being cooked in hot water and letting the aching area (such as feet) stay in the wam water for a while. It also smells good and are often used as perfume by the locals.   There is one large wyvern making its home on one of the smaller islands. It mostly hunts on the mainland as there are few large prey on the island which are not protected. The inhabitants have cows, horses and sheep, but the Wyvern have learned that the humans protecting them are too dangerous. But sometimes it consider it worth it, making sure the locals remember it is there.   Mostly the wildlife is rabbits, foxes and that size of animals. There are several large birds as well.

Natural Resources

Fish, crab et cetera Clay, large banks during tide. Birds


612 A.O. The last Wyvern were slain by two brave adventurers


There really isn´t any tourism and the locals prefer it that way.
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