
Cavonne is the major town of the county Alliathiore but as Fil-Tofia is close by it is being outcompeted by the large trade routes who anchor there. But Cavonne is by no means a poor town. The town is a little bit run down and the population of poor people are growing. Most houses are built in accordance to the old streets, but there are exceptions. Multi floor houses with the upper floors hanging out are the most common way of building. The town appears dark as most houses are in natural colours and the sun doesn´t really reach the streets except midday.


The vast majority of the permanent population are humans from the Raxorian ethnicity. But also Penner and of course a mixture making them Zoraki. There are a handful from other nations such as Kardien, Berendien and Erebos to be found. Apart from humans there are dwarves and halflings living here permanently.


The countess formally owns the city and rule through a mayor who are nominated by the city council. The mayor is also speaker of the council. Formally it is the countess who choose who is to be the mayor, but seldom goes against the council choice. As long as the taxes keeps coming the lesser people can do their thing.   Mayor: Alexander auf Grechin (Formerly a Kardian burgher family. He arrived in town with his family when he was a small child). Alexander is in his fifthies and lives with his wife. He have four children of which two lives in the city. His youngest daughter returned to Kardien and his youngest boy is a sailor.   Captain of Arms: Efron Vallix have been in Cavonnes guard since he was a teenager. He lives with his wife and late teenager children in a small house. Mostly he stays in the barracks doing administration but now and then he tags along a patrol. Preferably with young cadets in it which he can appraise them. Efron is bribable for small infractions but have a strong sense of moral otherwise. The bribes are mostly to avoid administration and the coins usually go to the guards coffins.   Harbour captain: Aton is a small and slightly overweight man who takes his job supervising the harbour with less than desired fevour. He is lazy and according to most, easy to bribe. but he has five battle hardened mercenaries employed whom all agree are real brutes. But the as the harbour runs smoothly and the mayor see the revenue he expects reaches his coffins Aton is no way inclined to replace Aton. Aton allowes the whores to roam the dock looking for customers, as long as a portion of their earnings reaches his pockets.


The stone wall surrounding Cavonne is both large and thick, but it is clearly neglegted and have been crumbling for decades. There are sections where the stone have fallen down leaving glaps in the ramparts. These have been filled with logs instead and the stones recycled into buildings in the city. It does by no way mean that the citys defences are lacking, just that there are some parts which would be easier to destroy than others.   Cavonne is surrounded by a large and thick stone wall, but it is old and crumbling in different places. Where parts off the stone wall have fallen it has been reparied with logs. There are ballistas and arbelests spread out in the gates and towers.

Industry & Trade

Cavonne is the production centre for the surrounding landscape and as such it imports the materials and the craftsmen transform them into goods, which are sold back to the rural peasants.    The houses are cramped and are getting more cramped all the time. There are few except the rich who can afford to have a kitchen at home, so there are many places to buy warm food and in the evening the Inns are often full.


There are many wells throughout the city as the water are collected from deep underground freshwater deposits.


Harbour: The harbour is built upon the old Jorpagnian harbour and as such it is very well constructed. From the high stone harbour walls were the ships anchors the large grated sewer exits pour its filth out in the harbour. In some of the stone facing towards the sea there is old inscriptions of prayers to the Goddess of the ocean and pictures of sharks and dolphines. Beneath the surface the filth from the sewers are washed out into the harbour making it stink just as much as expected.
  • Wistille warehouse: A large warehouse were the family Wistille store merchandise going in our out of Cavonne. The main import is materials for the craftsmen of Cavonne, and the main export is grain. It is run by the Wistille family from which the countess Captain of Arms comes. Today it is his father and two older brothers with families whom run the warehouse. The oldest brother will inherit it all but has to pay his other siblings 15 %  of a years revenue each based on the former year from the inheritance. All set by the rules the grandfather decided when he bought the warehouse from the former owner. A deal said to be very shady.
  The large town square: This is were the majority of the commerce is taking place and several small shops surround it. There are few inns or taverns in the vicinity, but many stalls serve ale and food easy to eat standing. Most of it is fishbased.   The Temple of the Sun: The main church of the town and surrounded by buildings owned by the church. There is a small wall, only 1.3 meters high surrounding its area. It is there to stop heavy traffic, unecessary pedestrians and to define the churches borders. There is a small herb garden in one of the corner with a small hut and living space for the gardener. The gardener is an old monk who just wants to live out his last years in peace and tend to his garden.   The Old Church: A smaller and much older church who serves the poor of the city. It is unclear when it was first built but as the city expanded it became off centre and less important. It also became to small and in the end it was easier and cheaper to build a new grander church than it was to expand The Old Church. The riarks serving in the church are often old or very young and it is seen as a good place to start or end a career. The crypts below are deep and mostly forgotten. As of now the head riark is one of the Venois family.


Taverns/ Inns and alehouses  
  • The Najads smile: The Najads smile is the largest of all inns and is located on the corner of the main square of Cavonne. It is a large four house square with a open court in the middle. There is a large gate leading into the square for the visitors and if they do not want a table outside they can choose to go inside. The gate is in the southern house, and it is also the house where the common room is. The Najads smile is a bustling place which is often a bit overcrowded and the place to go if you want to meet people. The Inn is run by Bissie and her husband with their three children helping. They also employ a few staff to fill different roles as needed.
  • The Halflings Arse: A alehouse in the docks who opens late in the day and closes late in the morning. It is owned and run by a halfling family but employs two large and burly humans as bouncers. The ale is watered down and cheap and there is no warm food to be had, but cold salty munchies are to be had. This is the place to go if you are looking for the more shadier denisens of Cavonne. The owners pays the surrounding beggers in ale to keep a lookout for approaching guards. They also allow whores to look for customers, but as they do not have any rooms the businessess needs to happen somewhere else. Usually in a backstreet closeby.
  • The Fools Tooth: A well kept tavern where you can have some food and drink in peace and quiet. Behind the bar there is the tooth of a giant mounted on the wall and according to the owner the name of the tavern stems from this tooth.
  • Hole in the wall: This is literally just a window from where they serve cold ale to the workers in the dock. The customers are to drink it close by, and return the mug to the bartender. Mollie who runs the "tavern" is an old widow who gets some extra coins and a chat with people.
  • Blacksmith: Conovan is a recently mastered blacksmith who inherited the shop from his own master who conveniently suffered from a heartattack just weeks after granting Cononvan his letter of mastery. The sword who was Conovans masterpiece hangs on the wall clearly displayed for everyone to see as they enter the shop. Conovan have just taken on an apprentice who is about thirteen years old and spends his day learning the furnance, and how the fire should look and all that. And cleaning of course... Conovan is a stern but fair master to learn from. Conovan isn´t really a weaponsmith but has a deal that he pays his taxes in well made spearheads.
  • Tailor: The most well known tailor in the city is Mercedes who makes tunics with leather reinforcments in areas which are worn a lot, such as elbows. Most of her customers are craftsmen and richer peasants who sees the value in paing for good tailoring in their workclothes rather than spending time doing it themselves. She also buys some shoes, belts and pouches from leatherworkers to complement her store. She likes to make bundle sales so her customers won´t have to run around town looking for what they need.
  • Fletcher/ bowmaker: Adelaide the Nord comes from the north of Kardien and is a bastard. Her mother were raped by longship raiders from the north and as such she is tall, fairskinned, blond and have clear blue eyes. She married a captain of a ship and joined his crew. Unfortunatly she was the only survivor of the shipwreck and used the gold from her jewellery to settle in Cavonne. She took up her partents trade as fletcher and bowmaker and have done good for herself. She has two apprentices in their late teens and one of them she is considering it is time for him to make his masterpiece but do not really know what it should be.
  • Gem cutter: Sisinor is a older halfling gentleman who have a small store where he cuts and sells gems. Mostly his customers are jewellers or tailors whom wants gems for their craft. But also merchants and traders who wants to use gems intead of gold, as they are easier to travel with. Sisinor also buys gems but at a price where he can make money selling them. He is a cheapscate on the verge of greedy. He employs two battlehardened mercenaries as guards, one who work daytime and one who work nighttime. He also have a large guardtrained dog in his shop. Sisinor have two apprentices who he trusts reasonably, one is very young and new, and the other is almost an adult and getting closer too making his/ hers? masterpiece.
  • Jeweller:
  • woodcrafter: Robert is the most used of the woodcrafters in the town. He is not the best or most artistic but he is quick and consistent. He has a few styles he always uses and if you order 6 mugs with them, you will probably be able to pick them up tomorrow.
  • Leather worker:
  • Armorer:
  • Meat/ sausages etc: Bonthar the dwarf:s store is one of the best places to buy premade sausages and meat made for the road. He do not sell any unprepared meat and he is not a butcher. He came to town over eigthy years ago and bought the store he still has. He is a calm but proud dwarf who still have a sharp dialect indicating he is not a native to Zorakin. But he refuses to tell where he is from. He lives with a young human male named Bennoc whom he have raised as his son after he found him dumped in his trash bin as an infant. Apart from being a good cook Bannoc is also well trained in handling his axe and crossbow, indicating that Bonthar is as well. Apart from the handaxe of dwarven steel always hanging in the belt of Bonthar there is no indication he is wealthy, but as there have never been any money issues either the gossip goes that his cellar is filled with dwarven gold. But Bonthar keeps his mouth shut and Bennoc just laughs when the issue surfaces. There have been a few incidents when thieves have tried to get to the gold, but they have never been succeful.
  • General store: Cinzilla from Erebosia runs a general store whichs is frequented often by the locals. Not only for her special shelf where goods from Erebosia might be found, but also for the gossips of what is happening in the world. Cinzilla is in her fifties and run the store since her husband died ten years ago. Her large family helps her running the store and making sure customers keep coming. Her oldest son and his children are responsible for taking the cart to Fil-Tofia to get new wares, and they have long running contracts with Erebosian captains. Cinzillas youngest son Henrí have started a small banking venue where people may deposit up to 500 gold in the vault in the cellar for a fee of 5 gold a year. They can only handle 10 customers and all slots are filled. There is a discussion within the family if it is worth expaning this venue.
  • Baker: Guille bakes all kind of bread and cakes, and you can clearly see he likes to taste them as well. He have a few employees to handle the day to day bread so he can put his time into the cakes. He enjoys making many different kind of small cakes which he mixes up in small bags and sells. The buyer wont really know what will be included in the mix, but they have never complained. He calls the bag : Guilles goodies, and it a well known treat in the town.
  • General store: Martins goods is a small store in the docks which is owned by Martin and his family. They specialise in wares needed by sailors and fishermen. But of course there is a selection of other wares as well. He usually have a few long lasting sausages from Bonthar which he sells with a small profit. This is just to spare his customers the walk to Bonthar.
  • Athains store of Magical Mysteries: A small store filled to the brim with stuff. Athain sells things used in alchemy and as reagents, but no magical things. He sells scrolls and potions though. Also he have some books on magic, different schools and spells. He has a few spells with spells for learning.

Guilds and Factions

Mages guild: The mages guild are not really represented as such in the town. But there are wizards living in the city who are members of the guild and meet regulary.
  • Ricuin: An older gentleman who have two apprenctices (Etienne and Lucinia). He was quite an adventurer in his days and live of his earnings and spends the days reading and teaching. He is sickly and knows he does not have long to live and have written his will where he will divide his belonging too his two apprentices. One will get the house and lab, while the other will get things needed to travel and adventure. Both already knows what they are getting and aere content with it. They are focusing on learning and making Ricuins life as pleasant as possible.
  • Mercedes: She is a young wizard who left her apprenticeship just one year ago. She grew up in Cavonne and while studying in Pendonne her parents died. She came back and inherited the house and while figuring out what she wants to do, she makes a living on making scrolls and potions she sells to Athain who runs the magic shop.
  • Clementz Venois: A relative to the family running the Venois farm. Clemetz is middleaged and well seen in the town. He makes a living teaching his relative and som nobles in different scholary subjects. He are considering taking an apprentice.
Fishermen: They are a large but uninfluent group. But it has happened when they need to make a point they do not sell their fish for a couple of days. Their spokesperson is Valien the fisherman who is too old to go out, but his head is still quick and he likes to talk. Most of the fishermen have contact with the Najads and do as much as they can to gain their help when fishing. He know a couple of handsome men who got caught in the Najads beauty and dissiapered. As he sees it, they knew what they were doing and the catch has always been good afteerwards.


Although its name is long forgotten, Cavonne is built upon the site of an old quite large Imperium Jorpagnia city. For those who cares it becomes quite clear in the city centre surrounding the Harbour. There is well planned and built roads, and old cellars. There is a still functional sewage which is intended for a city way larger than what is now on site. How and when the city were destroyed and forgotten is unknown, and the scholars haven´t really tried to find out. There are but a handful of persons in the whole country who have an idea that Cavonne is built on Jorpagnian ruins, and no one actually have a clue of how big it really is.   When the Raxorian Kingdom were consolidating the local tribes moved into the area and rediscovered the harbour. It was used as a trading spot and a good place to moor fishingboats, and soon it was a prosperous dwelling. If it haden´t been for Fil-Tofias domination, it would have probably become the largest settlement in the area.   It is said to have been named after Cavinix family, a now extinct noble Raxorian family. The last member are said to have fallen in battle against the Lindskiarns.

Points of interest

Sewers: The foundation of the city centre were once a large Imperium Jorpagnian city and as such the roads are well planned and the stones are cobbled. There are even an extensive multi floor sewage system beneath it. which is mostly unexplored today. Many of the houses in the old city have cellars, who might not match up with the house on top. The sewage system is maintained and cleaned out by poor people employed by the burghers of the town. It is organised by the mayor and handled by the one of the assistant. Every morning the poor stands in line and he chooses which are to work that day. He doesn´t really know or recognise any of them. There are rumours that some of the poor do not come back up from the sewers   The Old Jorpagnian cemetary: Hidden in a forest close by there is the remnants of an old Jorpagnian cemetary. Most of the old "dungeons" have collapsed but there are still a plenty to explore. The forest is avoided by the locals as it is clearly haunted and almost every one have heard of someone who has entered the forest and never returned. No locals know it is an old cemetary.   Cavonnes cemetary and gallows: About 5 min walk from the gate lies the cemetary.   Town square: A large town square where there is a large market. Many of the peasants, hunters and rural people sells its produce in this square. Along the town square there is the Temple of the Sun and The Najads smile.   Four well square: A large square who is famous for its four wells who each can deliver water to fill several buckets each time its used. Making them a place to meet up and get water to the family while chatting in the queses. The Mayors office and Guilles bakery are found at the square. There are several craftsmen who set up their stands at this square, or move along the queues trying to sell their goods.   The mayors office: The mayors office is a heavy stone building in three stories. It is constructed to be a fortification point in the town. On the bottom floor is the offices and archive while the other floors are housing for clerks and the mayor with family. The cellar is where valuables and food are stored.   The Najads cove: This is the place where a group of Najads have had their home for generations. They are friendly to the fishermen and in exchange for land based food, such as fruit help them with their catch. They do dislike the town as it smell when the wind is right reaches their little cove. Although they spend much time in their little bay, their real home is a large underwater cave which the locals are unaware exists. Througout history a few human males have spent the rest of their, most pleasant, lives in here. Along the path from the fishermans village to the cove, the shining path have set up a small prayer altar to remind the fishermen to stay try to their belifs and family.


The townhouses are often two or more stories and the upper stories hang out over the street below, making them darker than they should be. The colours if used are often dark and somber, but the clothes hanging to dry over the street are often multicoloured. As are the banners and signs used to lure people into the drinking dens and shops.

Natural Resources

Venois farm: Venois farm is a large farm outside of the city, and on the barons land. Apart from the farm they also have a large windmill which is owned by the baron.   Claven estate: The Claven estate is where the riark/ loremaster to the countess lives. It is a wealthy estate which produces much milk and meat to different producers, while buying low qualite corn or grain for the livestock.
Cavonne is a small town but clearly a town.
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