A9 - Into the Darkness

General Summary

ACT 9 - Into the darkness

1496.SP.15   After a few days journey homeward the party return to Tresandor Manor only to immediately they hear news that Cryovain has attacked and destroyed the nearby settlement of Leilon. A similar size town to west, the walled town was mostly attacked from air with the dragon’s furious ice breath. With Phandalin making preparations as the dragon becomes more emboldened, the party quickly make their own preparations for a second rescue attempt.   With their supplies and rations packed the party set out on the journey towards Wave Echo Cave. Although not very distant, the cave was well hidden by shrub and plant growth. Only with Reidoth, Tharden and Nundro’s description was the party able to find the hidden entrance.   Inside the party was immediately met with supplies and equipment the Black spider and his minions had brought. Climbing into the chamber the party smelt a stagnant and musty smell, dust and cob webs everywhere. Small torches had been setup leading into the different tunnels. After a few short turns and junctions, the group came across a dead ruffian and a number of smashed ancient skeletons. With there now clearly being threats within the tunnel the party advanced cautiously. Stealthily avoiding roaming patrols of both undead and black spiders minions, the group happen upon a spectator. Left to guard a magical Brazier by the ancient previous owners of Wave Echo Cave. Taking time to talk to the spectator the party learnt that he was summoned to guard the brazier as the cave came under attack. Unfortunately, the wizard who had summoned him died and he was trapped in this plane cursed to guard the brazier for all time. The spectator mentioned that the undead are the ancient inhabitants of the cave and they have been animated to protect the forge.   Not wanting to start a dangerous fight the adventurers continued towards the forge with the knowledge that it was the likeliest place the Black spider would be. Before reaching the forge the party came under attack from some of the Black spiders minions and after brutally slaying them it was discovered one was a doppleganger. On their possession the being carried a satchel with a Zhentarim sigil and inside instruction to kill the adventuring party. Further evidence also showed that the Black spider had also masterminded the Cragmaw Tribe actions, Iarno Albrek AKA Glassstaff and the Redbrand Ruffians in Phandalin.   Venturing inside the forge the party saw a drow figure stood at the end over the forge muttering to himself. In the corner of the room the corpse of Gundren Rockseeker lay, signs of torture over the previous months. The party had just taken too long and Gundren couldn’t hold out. Enraged the adventurers attacked, but almost immediately darkness filled the room and the Black spider disappeared. A number of Giant spiders descended from the ceiling and bite at the group, slowly they managed to fight off and defeat the huge arachnids. With a lucky strike Mordai hit the invisible Black Spider and he lost concentration on the spell, lowering the darkness spell and revealing himself. Low on energy, battered and bruised the group pushed for the final assault on the wizard. Even after downing a number of health potions the wizard succumb to his wounds and fell next to the forge which he coveted so much.   After handing the mine over to Tharden and Nundro, the brothers although saddened by the loss of their brother were grateful for clearing the mine and handing it over. As a gift they pledged a percentage of the mines profits to the adventurers each month.   Returning to Phandalin to celebrate they realised that Cryovain had attacked a farmstead just outside Phandalin and all the towns people were now preparing to leave for Axeholm. As they help board up the stores and homes they were met by a familiar face. Sildar Hallwinter had returned from Neverwinter with a small guard force to aid in the defence of Phandalin. He also bore bad news, telling the party that Grimnir Darkbane had been murdered in Neverwinter. With little time to concern themselves with the murder they shed their tears and instructed Sildar and the guards to escort the towns people to Axeholm.

Rewards Granted

Wand of magic missles, Potion of healing, Spider Staff, 15 Platinum coins, 130 Gold coins, 15 Copper coins, 210 Electrum coins, 2 Platinum rings (150 Gold), 9 small gemstones (90 Gold),

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with

Nezznar - AKA the Black Spider, a drow wizard who was intent on gaining the power of Wave Echo Cave   Tharden Rockseeker - Brother to Nundro and owner of Wave Echo Cave   Nundro Rockseeker - Brother to Tharden and owner of Wave Echo Cave
Restoration of Phandalin
Report Date
28 Jul 2023
Primary Location
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