Nathan Parker

Major Nathan Parker is the son of General Edward Parker, and is the commander of 1st Battalion and of the defense of the city Blythe.   Nathan Parker was born in Hub in 2257, a year after the NCR-Brotherhood War broke out. He grew up hearing of the legendary victories and fame of his father, which gained him an affinity for the Army at a very young age. When he was finally able to enlist at 16 in 2273, he did so on his birthday. Parker completed basic training at the top of his class, and the applied for the Officer Course in Fort Tandi, he was already guaranteed to get in due to his name and own merit, but his father's recommendation cemented it. Parker completed his course with exemplary conduct, and graduated a Lieutenant in 2274, but was denied his request to join his father's command. The NCR-Brotherhood War war in California was winding down, but was still raging in the Mojave Wasteland, along with the ever-growing meat grinder known as the NCR-Legion War. So Lt. Parker was assigned to the Mojave Regiment, and placed under the command of Colonel Hsu.   Parker saw his first action at the Battle of Helios One against the Brotherhood of Steel. The final battle in the war against the Brotherhood, Parker helped end what his father helped start at Vault 13, and for his actions, he was promoted to Captain. While on leave at the Hub in 2276, Parker married one Rebecca Nolan, they had their first son, Carson Parker in 2277, and things seemed to be going well, until the First Battle for Hoover Dam. Parker was one in command of 4th Battalion, under General Lee Oliver, and was on the frontline when the Legion pushed them off the Dam. Despite the overall victory the NCR achieved that day, the following weeks would not go so well. General Oliver was being held in check until the elections of the next month were over, so the troops, including Parker, were kept in place, without leave, and without orders. Finally, on January 8th, General Oliver ordered the offensive, and Parker led his troops up towards the Fort. They suffered 75% casualties. Parker ordered the retreat. Oliver was furious, and had Captain Parker reassigned to the Refugee Camp outside New Vegas. Parker spent what was left of the Mojave Campaign there, doing paper work, and dealing with lost property, including while his second son, Edward Parker II was born. This downturn only spiraled when his wife filed for divorce in 2280, Parker's repeated attempts to take leave to deal with the situation were denied by Oliver, and so he never got the chance to fight the papers. Rebecca took their property, and their sons   When the Second Battle for Hoover Dam was lost, and Vegas declared its independence, Captain Parker, like all the other officers who weren't at the Dam, were left to question what was next. After the founding of the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave, and the NCR's withdrawal from the Mojave, Parker returned to the NCR in defeat in 2282. With no other career, Captain Nathan stayed in the Army, eventually being caused to testify against General Oliver's gross misconduct. Parker ended up being a prime witness, being in the Mojave since Helios meant he saw most of everything. For testifying, and for actions taken to defend the refugee camp from raiders during his command, Parker was promoted to Major, and given command of Camp Sierra on the border of the Divide. During this time, Parker regularly wrote his son, Carson, who regularly wrote back.   Parker received a surprise in 2290, when Carson, now 13, arrived at Sierra. Carson revealed to Nathan that he and his mother had had a falling out, and that Carson had hitchhiked with caravans up to him. Nathan kept Carson with him, who grew up the next three years with the military. By the time he was 16, he was used to the military life, and enlisted. Carson, like his father and grandfather, excelled in training, and applied to Fort Tandi for officer training in 2293. Nathan, and Edward wrote recommendations, which cemented a place in the class.   Nathan continued to command Fort Sierra, until 2299, when he was reassigned, along with his son, to Blythe, under the command of his reinstated father, to push the Legion out of California.
Year of Birth
2257 AD 43 Years old
Aligned Organization


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