Lee Oliver

Lee Oliver was a former General in the New California Republic Army, and was the overall commander of the garrison of the Mojave Campaign, which failed miserably, due in no small part to his "tunnel vision."   Oliver was born in 2243 in Baja, and graduated the Officer's Course at Fort Tandi in 2260. From the outset, Lieutenant Oliver requested permission to go to the Mojave Front, and was assigned to Camp Mccarran. Oliver hated this rear posting, but worked channels and made connections until 2262, when he was promoted to Captain, and transferred to Camp Searchlight, where he ran the Theater's southern front, assisting Major Lassiter. Oliver remained Lassiter's adjutant for only four months before the old Major retired, and he took his place. As a Major, Oliver was in charge of everything around Camp Searchlight, and gained his first bit of infamy among the enlisted troops. Oliver's desire for glory led to repeated patrols and skirmishes that were deemed unnecessary, and thus casualties. Oliver's drive was noticed by one Colonel Aaron Kimball, who transferred him under his command at Camp Guardian in 2269. At the time, the Army was considering an advance from Guardian, but the Legion's strike at the camp changed that.   After Kimball led the defense, he was promoted to General, took over command of the Mojave Garrison, and promoted Oliver to Colonel, in charge of Camp Guardian. Despite the Guardian Advance being scrapped, Oliver still sent regular strikes over the river onto the Arizona side of the Colorado River, once again resulting in little progress and many casualties. When Kimball retired in 2272, Oliver repeatedly requested to take over the garrison. For almost a year, the Mojave Garrison, as the Republic Military and Senate could not decide on a replacement. Most looked to General Edward Parker, a grizzled veteran of the NCR-Brotherhood War, and famous for his violent operations and sieges. Instead, when Kimball won the presidency in 2273, he wanted a young, fresh face for the new future of the Republic, and promoted Oliver to General, and gave him command. General Parker's lobbying did not cease, and instead, only increased as Oliver repeatedly failed due to his pride and his nature as a glory hound. Oliver was the youngest General in the Republic's history, taking over the garrison at the age of 32.   When The First Battle for Hoover Dam took place in 2277, Oliver failed to defend the Dam, and almost lost the battle, if Ranger Chief Hanlon had not saved the day, by sacrificing Boulder City. Oliver's pride would never recover, and he developed a rivalry with Hanlon, almost entirely on his own side, as Hanlon, now an old man, cared little for Oliver's hounding. For Oliver, However, his drive to win glory was one of the prime reasons the Mojave Campaign failed. At the expense of every other post in the Mojave, he stockpiled supplies and troops at the Dam, hoping for a final, glorious battle against the Legion. This left every other post to be run by his subordinates, with little cohesion, coordination, supplies, and reinforcements. As a result, the Legion struck across his front regularly, broke holes in his defenses, and even garrisoned the Mojave side of the River. By late 2281, Caesar had cut off Oliver's garrison from the rest of the NCR, and Oliver's troops at the dam were desperately needed to reestablish supply lines, but never did. Before Oliver could attend to his flanks and rear, the Legion struck in force, and destroyed Oliver's troops, attacking from the unused intake tanks, and throughout the Dam. When all seemed lost, the Courier saved the day, securing the intake tanks, bombing the Legion from the air, destroying the Legion's Fort, killing Caesar, and turn Legate Lanius away. Oliver was quick to approach to the courier, attempting to take credit, but was informed of New Vegas's declaration of independence, and that all NCR troops were to leave the Mojave.   For a few days, Oliver did his best to remedy the situation, even outright refusing to leave, but the NCR Senate decided for him. When it was clear that the blame was upon him, along with Hanlon and Kimball, he resigned his post, on the same day as the old Ranger Chief. Oliver returned to NCR and spent the final year of his Service term in trials and court martials. When Oliver was finally found guilty of abuse of power and gross negligence, he was dishonorably discharged, and sentenced to life in prison.   Lee Oliver did not last long in prison, and was murdered by a fellow inmate, a veteran, in 2283.
2243 AD 2283 AD 40 years old
Aligned Organization


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