Arcadia Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Millennia ago, the mighty Razatlan Empire spread across this vast continent, gobbling up weaker nations and marking its victories with vast pyramids. When the devastation of a meteor impact shattered the Razatlani civilization, the nations that were reborn from the wreckage found themselves forced to cooperate with each other to survive. Arcadia’s myriad cultures have remained surprisingly peaceful and insular ever since, focusing their energy on the wellbeing of their citizens. From the engineers in the Land of Northern Lakes, who craft clever machines from unusually abundant skymetal deposits, to the hero-gods of Xopatl and the distant south, Arcadia’s peoples both embrace a settled lifestyle among their terraced mountaintops and bayou stilt-houses and expand westward across the vast plains of a still lightly populated region. Most Arcadians remain suspicious of foreign cultures that are inclined toward conquest. Eager colonists from Avistan are thus restricted to a narrow strip of shoreline along the Grinding Coast, cordoned there by the Segada Protocol, which allows only those few exceptional individuals who have won the locals’ trust to pass beyond the shielding mountains into the continent’s interior.
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