The Dead Vault Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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The Dead Vault

When Sarenrae, Asmodeus, and dozens of other deities defeated Rovagug in the early days of the multiverse, the Rough Beast and his foulest servitors were trapped within a demiplane thrust down through Golarion’s crust—buried and sealed, it was said, at the planet’s very core. Known as the Dead Vault, this plane is a thing of awesome power, its exterior carefully crafted to combine Sarenrae’s burning fury, the dark pragmatism of Asmodeus, and the binding power of dozens of other deities. It appears as a massive globe of cut and faceted golden topaz, a chunk of yellow stone fossilized around a deific insect, with rings of black iron coiling around its periphery and embossed with a terrible litany of binding runes. Any person attempting to physically reach the demiplane’s exterior experiences a strange warping of space that pushes the offending party away from the apparent physical boundary. Rarely, such an attempt may be successful, though the only reward for such perseverance is for the Vault to swallow the intruders whole, trapping them inside as well.
‌Despite their majesty, the seals that hold Rovagug were crafted in haste, and at the time of their construction the gods did not yet truly understand the full scope of Rovagug’s abilities. Thus, like a great sieve, the barriers block Rovagug’s escape but cannot fully prevent the god’s influence from leaking out into the surrounding Darklands. This escaped energy builds up until it manages to find a creature to infuse, twisting and corrupting the unfortunate victim (or eager cultist) into a horrifying monstrosity and sending the new child of the god out to wreak havoc.
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