Darklands Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Golarion’s crust is riddled with cracks, and immense networks of tunnels and caverns connect every continent. It’s from these deep places that the dwarves and orcs first emerged, yet few surface dwellers look upon these underground worlds fondly, for their lightless depths are home to predators both monstrous and refined. Scholars divide the Darklands into three layers. The uppermost--Nar-Voth—is the closest to a conventional cave system. Its tunnels are inhabited by isolated tribes of xulgaths, deros, duergar, calignis, and other surface creatures who descended into the dark for safety and found themselves twisted by isolation and dark energies. The middle section, Sekamina, once boasted a vast serpentfolk empire yet is now most notably inhabited by drow—elves who fled underground to avoid Earthfall and were transformed into sinister demon-worshippers by the leaking thoughts of Rovagug. The deepest level, Orv, is a series of impossibly large caverns, maintained since the beginning of the world by unknown and alien magic, each containing its own pockets of ecosystems. Orv’s residents are feared and revered by the inhabitants of higher levels.
Cave System
Location under
Inhabiting Species


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