Sarusan Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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The smallest and most mysterious of Golarion’s continents lies south of Tian Xia’s Valashmai peninsula, isolated from the outside world by vexing currents and powerful storms. According to legend, the continent was once connected to Tian Xia by a land bridge and inhabited by an empire called Taumata, before the gods shattered the bridge into the archipelago known today as the Wandering Isles. Yet while the archipelago remains inhabited by the nautical Tian-Sing people, whose appearance suggests descendance from unknown Sarusan cultures, even their legends of the shrouded continent are scattered and fragmentary. In their songs and the records of lost empires, Sarusan is a wild and mysterious land where giant mammals long extinct on other continents still roam immense frozen deserts and dense woodlands. Those few modern expeditions that venture near the shores speak of forbidding cliffs lined with smooth monoliths, while those who land and venture into its interior invariably disappear. What’s more, those sailors who do return home often mysteriously forget the details of their voyages shortly afterward, suggesting that the continent’s isolation may not be completely natural.
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