Blackblade’s Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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One of many fighting schools in Absalom, Blackblade’s is more successful than most. The owner and head instructor is Benkhal Blackblade, a renowned swordsman, mercenary, and one-time member of the Pathfinder Society. For five silver, students can take combat classes twice a week, and Blackblade personally trains students who show special promise. Most classes are held in the open yards that surround the building, where they serve as unofficial exhibitions and advertisements for the school, but private lessons—including those taught by Blackblade himself—take place inside, away from prying eyes.
Most students do not live on the premises. However, senior students who act as secondary instructors are given room and board at the school, and Blackblade lives in a small cell on the premises as well. Every day, as the last class of the afternoon ends, the building shuts its doors and locks its shutters, becoming a small fortress. Yet it is a fortress with a merry heart: drunken song and cheerful laughter can often be heard late into the night, as Blackblade and his senior students entertain each other and their guests, who are rumored to include renowned Pathfinders and former students who have gone on to glory. Though these celebrations may go on till dawn, Blackblade never seems to show any ill effect.
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