Lions’ Square Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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Lions’ Square

Oldest and grandest of the Foreign Quarter’s enclaves is the Lions’ Square, which according to legend was founded by Taldans fleeing the rampages of the Tarrasque and has been renewed by waves of migration during each of Taldor’s innumerable famines, religious and ethnic cleansings, and wars. Grand Prince Stavian I’s Great Purge of Sarenrae’s faith also spurred a wave of migration that left a deep imprint on the Lions’ Square, and the recent War for the Crown has seen the arrival of more than a few disgruntled nobles. Although Sarenites are no longer disfavored in Taldor, the legacy of the Great Purge can still be felt in the fervent worship and religious artifacts that moved to Absalom to escape the Grand Prince’s oppression. Sarenites living in the Lions’ Square tend to be more pious and more inclined toward expansive, old-fashioned charity and grandiose philanthropic gestures than their counterparts in Taldor today.
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