Devil’s Garden Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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Devil’s Garden

This Chelaxian enclave—once known as the Chelish Garden—has long been among the Foreign Quarter’s most prominent neighborhoods, and it has only grown during the decades of House Thrune’s reign. Exiled nobles and refugees from the Chelaxian Civil War flocked to Absalom to escape persecution, though any significant opposition figures were swiftly and ruthlessly eliminated by Thrune loyalists, who maintained a heavy presence in Absalom due to its importance as a trade center. This spate of assassinations attracted some official condemnation, but Imperial Cheliax’s mercantile and military power prevented matters from escalating beyond a few sharply worded messages delivered to their embassy. Today, House Thrune’s influence clearly predominates over the neighborhood, though expatriate nobles still maintain greater wealth and influence in Absalom than they would be permitted in Cheliax. So long as they do not overtly challenge the throne, Thrune agents leave them be. This carefully observed detente permits both loyalists and dissenters to enjoy a degree of Chelaxian comforts and luxuries in the Foreign Quarter. Here, exiles, and even homesick citizens of quietly loathed Ravounel, can enjoy touring operas, taste the year’s finest wines, and buy the ingredients for beloved childhood foods from the imperial homeland they dare not visit.
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