Embassy of New Thassilon Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Embassy of New Thassilon

The true implications of the rise of New Thassilon along the northern border of Varisia are still playing out, with two very different but very powerful wizards vying for control of the nation. Yet even though Runelord Belimarius and Queen Sorshen are on the brink of a civil war, one of the few things both agreed upon was the importance of maintaining a presence at the so-called City at the Center of the World. Even as the two wizards fought over the shared borders of their respective nations of Edasseril and Eurythnia, their agents worked together with unexpected levels of cooperation to establish this embassy—at least, for the first year, during which their efforts, along with those of several powerful spellcasters and allied stone giant artisans, transformed what was once a ho-hum manor into the resplendent edifice it is today.
The embassy itself consists of three sections. The central dome is known also as the Sihedron Hall for the immense seven-pointed star design inlaid into its central chamber, and is the only part of the structure open to the public. Here, agents of New Thassilon do their best to answer questions without revealing secrets, with the majority of their work focusing on helping to assuage fears of runelord-related mayhem being increasingly sabotaged by growing discord among the staff inhabiting the east and west wings of the embassy. To the west lies the Edasserilian Wing, where agents of Runelord Belimarius constantly toil to adjust the artistry and architecture of the wing to match and then exceed the wonders of many nearby building facades, as directed by ambassador Firandivar, a man who claims to be one of Belimarius’s grandchildren. To the east stands the Eurythnian Wing, which is paradoxically more humble and more impressive than its envious counterpart across the Sihedron Hall. Led by none other than a less-powerful simulacrum of Sorshen herself who goes today by the name Ayandai, the agents here maintain a small shrine to the goddess Nocticula, and are more concerned with working to soften New Thassilon’s reputation while simultaneously (according to well-documented rumors) helping artists persecuted by Absalom’s power-players find shelter, support, or potentially escape to more tolerant homelands. While neither Belimarius nor Sorshen have made public visits to the embassy yet, most believe that hidden portals to those nations lie within the embassy, and worry if these speculative gateways might pose a potential threat of invasion by agents of some of the Inner Sea’s most powerful wizards.
Recent events in Varisia, including the culmination of those that resulted in the establishment of New Thassilon itself, were the result of the ancient rulers of Thassilon, the Runelords, rising and attempting to reclaim their lands. While one of the two surviving runelords has abandoned both that title and her previous cruelty, the other has not. Many worry that a new danger to Absalom is building within the walls of the Embassy of New Thassilon, despite the work those who dwell within have done to foster good will with the city. Persistent rumors claim that the physical remains of at least one defeated runelord now lie in state within the embassy, or that a new runewell has been built below the building to serve as a source of power to aid the runelords in an upcoming attempt to claim Absalom as their own.
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Recent events in Varisia, including the culmination of those that resulted in the establishment of New Thassilon itself, were the result of the ancient rulers of Thassilon, the Runelords, rising and attempting to reclaim their lands. While one of the two surviving runelords has abandoned both that title and her previous cruelty, the other has not. Many worry that a new danger to Absalom is building within the walls of the Embassy of New Thassilon, despite the work those who dwell within have done to foster good will with the city. Persistent rumors claim that the physical remains of at least one defeated runelord now lie in state within the embassy, or that a new runewell has been built below the building to serve as a source of power to aid the runelords in an upcoming attempt to claim Absalom as their own.


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