Crimson Coin Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Crimson Coin

Barefisted brawling is the main attraction at this bustling two-story tavern, which is popular with gamblers, carousers, gladiators, and their raucous supporters. In addition to a large fire pit and long serving bar, the establishment features a deep earthen pit—roped off at the top to prevent drunkards from falling in—where anyone willing to put up a silver coin can try to last 60 seconds against the house champion in a barefisted brawl. Young female warriors, especially, come to the Coin to make their names, since the owner, Torman Iates, is always looking for new recruits to add to his all-female gladiatorial teams.
The Crimson Coin is also the only place outside the Irorium where gambling on arena matches is legal. This is due largely to the fact that Torman Iates is not only the Crimson Coin’s proprietor, but nomarch of the local district council.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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