Tiantown Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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While the continent of Tian Xia has boasted many large and stable empires over 7,000 years of recorded history, this longevity can make political upheaval especially traumatic when it does occur. The neighborhood known as Tiantown was slowly built up by wave after wave of refugees from long dead kingdoms, with the most recent exodus provoked by the collapse of Imperial Lung Wa a century ago. While the name of Tiantown is an overly simplistic description, glossing over the many different ethnicities and cultures resident in the neighborhood, it is also not entirely incorrect—most Tian immigrants seek out the enclave on arrival, willing to trade the presence of hated rival societies in exchange for a shared Tian trade language and a measure of familiarity. The end result is a riotous melting pot of Tian and Absalomian culture, informed by the history of Tiantown and a complex web of often-vitriolic yet somehow cherished intercultural relationships. Tiantown is also known to contain a number of stranger residents, such as serpentine nagas, hobgoblin exiles from Kaoling, and bizarre goblins referred to as dokkaebi. Rumors of disguised imperial dragons also persist, though none have ever been proven.
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