Wounded Wisp Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Wounded Wisp

Built from dark and discolored wood, with stained and barred windows that offer only blurred glimpses of the goings-on inside, this establishment is the very picture of a dive bar. It is also one of Absalom’s most storied taverns, and is widely reputed to be the location of the Pathfinder Society’s founding in 4307 AR. The Wounded Wisp is very nearly the Society’s official bar. From the days of Society founders Durvin Gest and Selmius Foster down to the present, the Wounded Wisp has been where agents meet to brag about successful expeditions, drown the sorrows of failed ones, and plot their next adventures. Chroniclers such as Eando Kline refer to it frequently in the notes and marginalia of their publications in the Pathfinder Chronicles, and the Society’s prominent leaders can be seen here rubbing elbows with retired agents, current operatives, and promising trainees.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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