Seal of Kazutal Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Seal of Kazutal

Named after the disc-like symbol of Mother Jaguar that graces the stone monument, this recent addition to the Foreign Quarter was built in honor of the Razalanti goddess of community, safety, and liberty. Visitors from Arcadia, drawn to Absalom by contact with Chelaxian colonists near the city of Segada, built this simple shrine before pressing further into the Inner Sea region to explore. While the founders of the shrine are no longer present to tend it, it still receives attention from freed Absalom slaves who see the Seal as a political rallying point—as Kazutal’s unyielding anti-slavery stance proved attractive to those recently freed from bondage—and by those who cherish the vibrant communities of the Foreign Quarter and seek to strengthen them.
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