School of the North Song-Wind Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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School of the North Song-Wind

Wide-canopied, gray-barked trees serve as the living pillars of this arcane school, a northern outpost of the famed Magaambya academy of Nantambu. The school’s walls are made up of vast swaths of brightly colored cloth bound between the trees. Geometric figures inspired by the flora and fauna of the Mwangi Expanse are painted upon the cloth, and are further ornamented with hollow beads that glitter brilliantly as they catch the wind, singing in flutelike rows. Colored glass chimes hang over the entrances, symbolizing Nantambu’s gifts of enlightenment.
Here, under the open air, visiting Magaambya masters work to spread Old-Mage Jatembe’s teachings. Though their primary focus is on the magical arts, the School of the North Song-Wind also operates as an unofficial embassy, and it draws as many visitors interested in the mundane aspects of Magaambya philosophy and Nantambu’s ways of life as it does arcane scholars. Leshys also flock to the school’s grounds, which are deeply harmonized to nature magics and thus feel inherently welcoming and soothing to the creatures.
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