Utterhome Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Located in the lavish yet heavily fortified former manor of an Osirian noble house, the headquarters of the Foreign Quarter district guard are deliberately eclectic in design. Osirian stone reliefs and bronze panels overlook Tian mediation pools and Vudrani sand wheels, while magically preserved Jadwiga ice sculptures stand beside the curious glassworks of New Thassilon. Even the name of the Utterhome is meant to signal welcome to all the disparate peoples of the Foreign Quarter. It alludes both to the idea that every people has their own unique word to utter for the universal concept of “home,” and to the ideal that this building, above all others, represents the utter ideal of “home” and shared safety for all the diverse populations who live in Absalom. The district’s guard have taken the name of the Sleepless Suns, representing the idea that the guard includes people from all over Golarion. The belief is that regardless of where it may be day on Golarion, there are members of the watch from such locations ready to defend the Quarter—though some citizens jokingly call them “the Redeyes,” as clashing cultural customs and religious hours keep the guards patrolling throughout the night.
Watch Headquarters
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