Frostholm Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Frostholm, a resilient and weather-beaten village, rests on the eastern fringe of the imposing Jagged Iron Mountains. This small community of roughly 500 inhabitants thrives in the harshest of northern environments. The heart of Frostholm lies near the perilous boundary where the continent of Northguard meets the icy embrace of the Frigid Depths, a region known for its merciless winters and storm-laden seas.

Life in Frostholm is tightly intertwined with the surrounding landscape. The villagers depend on the adjacent mines, which hew precious resources from the rocky innards of the Jagged Iron Mountains. Here, the bounty of iron and coal fuels the fires that warm Frostholm's hearths and forges, a lifeline in the numbing chill. The port of Frostholm, a vital artery for the town's survival, opens a gateway to the frozen expanse of the Reshal Sea, where skilled whalers embark on daring expeditions during the temperate seasons. As the icy grip of winter loosens, the population swells dramatically, with the promise of a bountiful whaling season. During this time, the village's population can surge to nearly 2,200 souls, as crews return to Frostholm with their hard-earned catches.

  Though the inhabitants of Frostholm endure the harshest of conditions, they are a hardy and proud folk, bound by their tenacity and the demanding landscapes they call home. The village is a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people, who brave the elements, mine the earth's riches, and conquer the treacherous seas to eke out an existence in this unforgiving corner of the world.


Frostholm's demographics are as unique and hardy as the village itself. The village is predominantly populated by humans, making up the core of the community, comprising roughly 70% of its residents. Their ancestors settled in Frostholm generations ago, drawn to the prospects of mining the bounteous Jagged Iron Mountains and partaking in the seasonal whaling endeavors. These human families have lived through countless brutal winters, and their resilience is evident in their ability to survive in this unforgiving environment.

Dwarves make up the second-largest segment of Frostholm's population, constituting about 20%. Hailing from nearby dwarven strongholds within the Jagged Iron Mountains, they have long maintained a presence in the village and contribute significantly to its mining industry. Frostholm's dwarves are celebrated artisans and blacksmiths, crafting the village's most coveted ironworks and forging lasting bonds with their human neighbors.

The remaining 10% of Frostholm's residents come from a medley of races. A small community of hardy and adaptable half-orcs has taken root in Frostholm, making up around 5% of the population. They often serve as skilled hunters and trackers, providing essential resources during the challenging winter months.

Other non-human races, including elves, gnomes, and halflings, can be found among Frostholm's populace, representing a patchwork of diverse backgrounds and trades. The village's residents share an unbreakable sense of unity, cemented by their common struggles in the face of nature's harsh trials, making it a truly extraordinary and resilient community in the most challenging of climates.


Nestled on the eastern edge of the Jagged Iron Mountains, where Northguard meets the Frigid Depths, is the resilient village of Frostholm. Its infrastructure is a testament to the industry and resourcefulness of its inhabitants, specifically designed to endure the challenging environment. Thick timber and stone houses, with double-paned glass windows, provide insulation against the bitter cold, and slanted roofs prevent the accumulation of heavy snow. The village layout forms a labyrinthine network of sheltered pathways.

Frostholm's central heating system relies on hot springs from the mountains. These springs feed into a network of heated water pipes beneath the streets, ensuring warmth throughout the village. At the heart of Frostholm lies a bustling marketplace, where residents trade precious metals, gems, and seasonal whaling catches. A retractable canopy shields the market from the elements.

The village's lifeblood is its whaling port, a deep harbor on the frigid coast where ships return during the warmer months laden with valuable whale resources. The Dwarven Forge, established by dwarven artisans, is a unique blacksmith's workshop crafting Frostholm's finest ironworks, blades, tools, and jewelry.

Inns and taverns offer warmth, nourishing food, and camaraderie. Near the village's outskirts are mining facilities, with entrances leading into the mountains to extract valuable resources. Watchtowers strategically placed atop cliffs serve as early warning systems, and the Temple of the Winter Gods provides a place of worship. In Frostholm, community spirit and resourcefulness thrive, ensuring its survival in one of the world's harshest environments.


The architecture of Frostholm seamlessly blends elements of rugged practicality and timeless craftsmanship. Houses, constructed from sturdy timber and fortified stone, exhibit a no-nonsense design, characterized by their resilience against the severe elements. These homes, featuring slanted rooftops, deter the build-up of snow and ice. Double-paned glass windows ensure adequate insulation in the biting cold.

The village's layout forms a labyrinth of sheltered pathways, twisting and turning through the core of the community. Buildings and structures are built low to the ground, offering protection from harsh winds. Although the aesthetics might appear unadorned, the intricate carvings adorning wooden beams and lintels evoke a sense of local artistry.

In the heart of Frostholm, the bustling marketplace is shrouded by a retractable canopy, shielding traders and shoppers from the unpredictable weather. Crowded with stalls and awnings, the marketplace is the focal point of trade, where residents exchange precious metals, gems, and the seasonal harvest of whales. Notable structures like the Dwarven Forge, crafted by skilled artisans, produce remarkable ironworks, tools, weaponry, and intricate jewelry, reflecting the town's commitment to craftsmanship.

Amid the modest yet practical architecture, inns and taverns offer warmth, hearty sustenance, and a place for socializing. These establishments are a source of comfort and camaraderie, important in a community where the elements can be harsh and isolating. Mining facilities at the outskirts of the village lead deep into the mountains, where valuable resources are extracted. Watchtowers perch atop cliffs, serving as vigilant guardians, and the Temple of the Winter Gods provides a haven for spiritual solace.

Frostholm's architecture embodies the spirit of resilience and ingenuity, offering a harmonious blend of durability and craftsmanship that adapts seamlessly to the village's unforgiving surroundings.
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