Nilfshard Forest Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Nilfshard Forest

The boreal forest covering nearly half of Northguard, the Nilfshard Forest is known as one of the deepest, and oldest, forests in all of Kermoria.  Thick and lush during the (brief) summer months, it's trees grow rapidly in the sunlight they devour.  As winter's chill sets in, and the snow begins to deepen, everything within the forest becomes deathly still, except for the occasional sound of a successful predator finding a mid-winter's meal.

Fauna & Flora

A number of nomadic/semi nomadic tribes live within the expansive borders of the forest, utilizing it's trees and natural caves and rock formations as shelters and hunting grounds.  These tribes are hunter/gatherers, typically, surviving on hearty plants and crops which grow quickly in the short warm months, and hunting meat from the large array of musk ox, reindeer, and seals and walruses along the shore.  Some of these tribes also utilize boats made from the forest's sturdy timbers to fish and hunt whales, albeit in a rudimentary way.
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