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Materia 26: "Truth or Dare"

General Summary

Attending a party in Teikyou hosted by the Fujiwara Dynasty, Yvri and Mari mingle in Shou high society. Sora's Comet is on everyone's minds, as well as the assassination of Tadashi Nishikawa, with some thinking that Shinobu Yamato is complicit. Mari meets Solana Shakrana, the only other Elf in Shou high society, and Asato and Hanzo nearly start a fight.   Later in the evening, the party plays truth or dare with Masaru, Hiroji, Nishimura, Kaoru, Isamu, Jun, and Solana. Solana leaves the party with Kazuyuki, and Jun sleeps with Mari. The next day, the party meets with Sanctity, promising to help him on his quest to be freed from his father Graz'zt's influence on the day of the comet. Later that day, the party hears of events in Velrihm, where Subaru Akimoto's Mithril Company has seemingly seized power in a bloodless coup. Titivilus helps Mari gather information.


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