
Mayhaps, Useful Acquaintences Yet

As I feared, but always knew would occur, my adversaries have caught a hint of my trail. But, as I have presumed, because I cannot predict where my next moons, days, nay even hours will take me, neither will they. For now. The last thing I can afford is to become sedentary, or almost as dangerous to become predictable. My network of contacts, while proving twice valuable already, is in truth just as powerful a risk with which to engage, for even the slightest cantering pinpoints me for a moment in time. I must exercise caution, lest I leave a trail. Those of us who converse in the shadows, know that even the faintest of murmurs will shed unwanted light, and while I can yet count on a sort of honor among thieves, there has never existed a respite from anonymous bounty makers, nor the vengeful plotting of old blood lines.   This group of fellow travelers I have fallen in with seem like they will serve my purposes well enough. Much better than the witless first group of whom I am certainly well shed. With these, it seems that I will be able to continue to hone my skills and perhaps even learn some necessary talents from them as well.   This Archeologist seems as distracted and driven by unspoken motives as am I. The sparks which he calls to his aid so effortlessly, remind me of the leaves and limbs and winds so easily commanded by my cousins in the High Forest. Notably, like my Kinsman Shepherds of flora and fauna, I sense that he is only willing to use this dangerous flame with care and caution as to protect innocents. Admirable, I suppose, for those with such luxury.   And we have fallen into the company of a local witch who has guided us within her haunts for a time now. She has an enviable ability to warp the minds and wills of others, much like the moon elves of legend. In fact, though we have barely passed a word, I believe that she somehow speaks in the mind of those she knows. This, now, is a skill that I would cherish. What power there must be for a shadow who can speak silently. Perhaps this is what was meant by my instructions to ‘affect the world beyond the wood only after becoming of the world beyond the wood’. I will study her quite closely.   I will continue to keep my distance from the half-orc. Although he possesses a seemingly unconquerable bravado and an admirable recklessness of aggression, it will be as only a surprise should I find any kinship or worthy knowledge with such raw simplicity and such base appetites.   And the grey skinned one... slight of frame and sylvan-like for certain, though surprising in our similarities, does not cease confounding me. So quiet and so volatile, each in its turn. Both the power and the grace intertwining effortlessly like two sides of a leaf. I can not shake the feeling that we may share some long past heritage.   Whatever the case, though I intend to benefit from their company, I must guard against being distracted by any of them or their moment-by-moment pursuits. I will participate and assist them in turn as they help me to strengthen my resolve and abilities for my fates of future, for after all, what is a loosed arrow or two as a price for time out of notice. As long as they do not become too regular in their habits nor noticeable nor famous, I can see no harm in remaining. But I must never cease keeping my eyes over my shoulders.


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