
This is a territory that barely qualifies as a town, although its population is high enough to warrant. Instead of focusing on building a community and engineering social welfare, the People of Autonome (as Odunites may call themselves) instead abjure regulation, most taxation, and decline representation in the Gyliddring, in exchange for greater freedom. The government of Gylidd Syn Aethri continues to keep a watchful eye on conduct in the region to make sure no major laws are being broken, but by and large Odunites are given leeway to make their own deals, divide the land devoted to their settlement (as determined by the Wild Synga) up between themselves as they see fit, and - to a certain extent - enforce their own civil laws. As an aside, people from Odun are not permitted to bring wares to most other Gylidder markets as those markets are maintained and established by the state they abhor, but the Merchant Lords are happy to trade with them in Kor and Ormtona instead. The architecture of this township is highly, fiercely individualistic depending upon the settler, and the only gathering place of note is a market of wood and colorful cloth erected in the rough center of the homesteads.
Inhabitant Demonym
Odunite, Gylidder
Location under