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Basic Information


Aasimar bear the mark of their celestial touch through many different physical features that often varied from individual to individual. Most commonly, aasimar are very similar to Humans. Nearly all aasimar are uncommonly beautiful and still, and they are often significantly taller than Humans as well.   While several aasimar are immediately identifiable as such, others are even less distinguishable than from their light elf ancestors, commonly standing out with only one unusual feature. Most aasimar have pupil-less pale white, gray, or golden eyes and silver hair, but those descended from avoral celestials can also have emerald skin and even might have feathers mixed in with their hair. Many aasimar also have a light covering of feathers on their shoulders, where an angel-like wings might sprout.

Ecology and Habitats

Aasimar are most commonly found in the eastern lands of the Light Elves, where they are the descendants of the good deities who supposedly once walked among the mortals. However since then Aasimars became wandering nomads bound to no land or god and spread widely over the face of the Light Forest, as well as other parts of Nomardia.


Most aasimar grow up cautious around others and are sometimes misunderstood, though never to the hateful extent many of the fiendish bloodlines are. Even those raised by understanding parents can not escape their strangeness, or the curiosity (or even fear) that their unique nature sometimes provokes. Many aasimar even suffer prejudice, something that deeply hurt the soul of the aasimar in question since most have an inherent bent towards empathy for others.   Aasimar prefer to keep a low profile in public, as not to draw the attentions of evil cultists, fiends, or other beings that wish to strike them down because the their celestial nature. An aasimar will abandon the low profile if it means striking openly at evil, though never at the expense of endangering the innocent.    Though many aasimar are good in nature, thanks in a large part to their celestial ancestors, not all are, just as not all Demons or Oni are evil. Some aasimar fell into the trap of evil, corrupted perhaps by experience or the counsel and aid of an evil god. Most aasimar avoid this path, however, and a few even receive direct counsel from their celestial ancestor or a creature in its service. These individuals are the aasimar most likely to manifest the stereotypical virtues of a celestial.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Aasimar are rare throughout Nomardia and, as such, have no true cities or societies of their own. Aasimar can live for the whole of their life without ever meeting another of their kind and, as such, are resigned to living amongst other races.   Very few aasimar have siblings who are also aasimar, in large part due to the rarity of a god mating with a human but also due to the fact that aasimar who sprang from ancient bloodlines long left dormant are even rarer. As a result, not many aasimar mert others of their kind, though such meetings are more common in the Kingdom of Light Elves, owing to the relatively larger number of aasimar there. On the rare occasions where two aasimar do meet, they often feel a kind of kinship and unspoken understanding with one another. Most aasimar are likely to take the side of another instinctively, regardless of personal feeling and there is a strong bond between aasimar of all stripes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Light Forest

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As a general rule, aasimar are a wise and charismatic race, possessed of strong insights and a powerful allure with which most races could not compare. Aasimar are also quite perceptive, noticing things that others do not, and many can see largely unimpeded in perfect darkness, while also possessing the ability to cast magical light to aid those who can not see. Aasimar are also, like many of their celestial forebears, resistant to the effects of acidic elements, extreme cold, or electrical charges.   From an early age, aasimar often receive visions, prophesies, feelings, and guidance from a patron deity, usually through their dreams. These visions, for an unfallen aasimar, come from a celestial deity and give the aasimar a sense of destiny and a desire to do what was right. These visions to the aasimar from a deity might cause moral conflicts to the mortal creature.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Because of their ties to the goodly gods, many aasimar are drawn to a religious path and most aasimar spellcasters call on divine magic as opposed to arcane magic. A great many become paladins, most in the service of good, and the philosophy of lawful good paladins often resonat strongly with aasimar. Those descend from non-lawful outsiders, on the other hand, most often become clerics, though a few also become paladins.    Like other half-breeds, aasimar do not feel, as a whole, beholden to any one god , but many aasimar worshiped the Major Gods and a large proportion of the race was descended from the goodly gods of Nomardia. Many of these aasimar in particular often felt a strange bond to the animals whom their divine ancestor is a patron of.    Some aasimar, who fell to evil, do so because of feelings that their celestial blood and patron visions have brainwashed them. Such aasimar who fell will lose their celestial patron but become fierce fighters, their radiant damage becoming necrotic.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aasimar, despite their human ancestry, do not typically feel a strong draw to their kin but instead felt a stronger bond with other half-breeds. Many aasimar enjoy the company of races as varied as Half-Dragons or Half-Onis, though very few aasimar get along well with Ghouls, whom the celestial-descended race is instinctively wary of. Of the other common races, aasimar have little overall opinion, since Dwarves, Light Elves, and the like have little history of persecuting aasimar but neither do they have a history of befriending them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
The Light Forest
750 years
Average Height
Male: 1.50‒2 m   Female: 1.40‒1.90 m
Average Weight
Male: 56.2‒130 kg   Female: 40‒111 kg


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