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Angels are a higher being, supposed to be immune to sins and temptation as the children of Lucifer the God of their kind. They pass judgement on sinners, and take many different forms, though they are usually humanlike in appearance, wearing white robes, carrying some sort of golden staff. Normal angels have two feathery white wings.

Basic Information


Angels are anatomically similar to humans, with the addition of feathery white wings, ranging from two to six depending on status. They have incredibly fast regenerative abilities.

Biological Traits

Angels are typically the size of an adult human, and weigh the same. Angels can live forever, and while they can be fatally wounded, Lucifer personally carries them back to Heaven, out of harm's way, and resurrects them, good as new. Unless Lucifer or one of his copies is prevented from doing so, she will always perform a resurrection on an angel. This is the origin of the phrase "Dead angels leave no corpses".

Genetics and Reproduction

Angels are born where there is the highest concentration of light magic - Lucifer's Heaven.

Growth Rate & Stages

All angels start out as cherubs, which are child versions of themselves. In this state, they have the intelligence and behavior of roughly an 8-10 year old child. Their wings are quite small, and they can't fly yet. They have neither the magical prowess or physical attributes of a true angel. Cherubs are kept in Heaven to be educated on a number of things, including morality and how to be a proper angel. Once their education is complete, and an angel in charge decides it is time, a cherub will go to one of the many places where light magic energy flows freely like a fountain. The cherub will surround themselves with this light magic energy and transform into a true angel.

Ecology and Habitats

Angels live in Lucifer´Heaven.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Angels require no food or drink, but will sometimes eat for the experience of eating itself.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lucifer's Heaven

Average Intelligence

Higher than a human

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Angels:   Photokinesis - All angels are inherently and primarily photomancers, regardless of what other magic they decide to master. Supernatural Concealment - Angels can not only turn completely invisible, but can also mask their life force, presence, aura, and magical signature, allowing them to go completely undetected by most creatures and races. The only ones who can detect them in this state are the gods. Supernatural Condition - Angels have a supernatural condition. Supernatural Perception/Detection - They are able to sense life force, magical signatures and heat signatures, allowing nothing to evade their notice. Supernatural Reflexes - They can react to an attack or movement many times faster than even a Light Elf. Supernatural Regeneration - Angel's natural regeneration of injuries and wounds is much faster than any mortals, allowing them to heal even near-mortal wounds within minutes. Supernatural Senses - Their sense of hearing, smell, sight, and touch are greatly heightened compared to all other races. Supernatural Speed, Type II - Angels are able to move incredibly fast, becoming invisible to the naked eye. They can outpace any form of transportation that currently exists. Supernatural Stamina - Angels' stamina is greatly enhanced beyond that of any mortal. Supernatural Strength, Type III - Angels have godlike strength, able to lift whole skyscrapers and destroy mountains. Transcendent Magic - Their magical abilities and power are on the level of a minor god.   Archangels:   Angelic Condition - Archangels' condition is enhanced even further than their previous angel form. Angelic Perception/Detection - Archangels can extensively sense life force and magic, and can only be deceived by the gods. No other forms of cloaking or illusion will fool them. Angelic Reflexes - To the untrained eye, Archangels may appear to have precognition. However, this is simply the extent of their reflexes. As soon as an attack begins, they can see it coming. Devil Gods, however, are too fast for Archangels to perceive. Angelic Regeneration - Archangels' regeneration is enhanced greatly from their previous form, allowing them to regenerate even near-mortal wounds within a matter of seconds. Angelic Senses - Archangels' five senses are enhanced even further than their previous angel form, letting them see, hear, touch, and smell more acutely. Angelic Speed, Type II - Archangels' speed is greatly enhanced from their previous form, allowing them to move faster than any mortal eye can perceive. Angelic Stamina - Archangels' stamina is greatly enhanced from their previous form, allowing them to keep fighting/performing tasks without tiring, for extended periods of time. Angelic Strength, Type III - Angels' strength is enhanced far beyond their previous form, allowing them to split whole mountain ranges with relative ease, and crush the earth below them as if it was water. Angelic Magic - At this point, conventional measures of magical power begin to break down, but know that the only ones more powerful than Archangels are the Gods and Seraphim. Blessing Manipulation - Archangels can bestow blessings on someone, something, themselves, or even other angels. These blessings become greatly enhanced when the archangel becomes a Seraphim. They also expire after a set amount of time, and can be cancelled by the archangel at any time. Angelic Infusion - Used primarily on weapons, shields and armor, it blesses said objects with protection against damage. Additionally, shields and armor are protected from attacks from devils and other creatures of darkness, while it gives weapons the ability to more significantly injure the same. Angelic Protection - A certain protection that goes hand in hand with luck bestowal, which protects the target from damage, wounds, misfortune, and various other types of negative circumstances. It is greatly enhanced and more protective when the archangel has become a Seraphim. Angelic Restoration - Gives the target an abnormally fast regenerative healing factor. Condition Blessings - Angels can provide blessings which enhance the target's physical attributes, such as strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, perception, and senses. When used on each other, it makes them even more powerful. Control Immunity - Archangels cannot be controlled or subjugated by any form of mind control or possession. Damage Reduction/Supernatural Defense - An archangel's body has become more durable than their previous angel's body, making it harder to injure them in any way.   Seraphim:   Perfected Angelic Condition: Seraphs' condition is as close to the gods as possible, having been perfected. Perfected Angelic Perception/Detection: Seraphs' perception has been perfected. They can now perceive the presence of gods, even if they are concealed. Perfected Angelic Reflexes: Seraphs' reflexes have been perfected. Only the gods can overpower them now. Perfected Angelic Regeneration: Seraphs' regeneration has been perfected. They now heal from any wound in seconds, short of decapitation. Perfected Angelic Senses: Seraphs' five senses have been perfected. Nothing evades their detection. Perfected Angelic Speed, Type III: Seraphs' speed has been perfected. The only ones who outmatch them now are the gods. Perfected Angelic Stamina: Seraphs' stamina has been perfected. They can now fight or perform tasks without tiring for an unknown/indefinite amount of time. Perfected Angelic Strength, Type IV: Seraphs' strength has been perfected. There is barely an upper limit to the feats of strength they can perform. Perfected Angelic Magic: The only ones more powerful than the Seraphim are now the Gods. Divine Damage Reduction: A Seraph's body has become even more durable than their previous archangel form, making injuring them difficult. On this level, the only beings that could probably damage them are Demons and Onis. Divine Gift: Since Seraphim are in direct contact with Evelyn, they can ask for further power, protection and blessings from the goddess by praying. They would typically do this before a battle, to ensure their victory. Divine Protection: Demonic and dark attacks used on angels are greatly dampened, and they are also provided a certain layer of passive protection from Evelyn at all times, even without blessings or their Divine Gift. Divine Purification: Seraphim have the ability to purify almost anything they set their mind to, removing all imperfections. This includes metal, gems, people, animals, plants, and a whole host of other things...including creatures and races of darkness. Should they decide it, they could remove all selfish desires, sins and corruption from a devil, turning them over to the side of light. Peace Inducement: Seraphim can induce peace over a large area, creating a subduing effect, causing all individuals and animals inside to lose the will to fight, and forget what they were fighting about in the first place.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Angels' technology is the most advanced to date, and getting better all the time. It is also one of the best-kept secrets, thus the true extent of their advancements is unknown.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Angels can speak in and understand any language.

Common Etiquette Rules

They do not interfere in mortal affairs unless absolutely necessary. Examples of this would be something that tips the balance immensely, or an imminent threat to the planet.

Common Dress Code

Angels wear white robes and sandals, a halo above their head.

Common Taboos

Any angel that has been found guilty of excessively giving into temptation or disobeying what is right is cast from Heaven and sent to Koronga. This process either turns their wings' feathers black or transforms them into bat wings. Their halo will turn black or red, and their robes will turn black as well. An angel's staff will be removed from them before they are thrown out. They are also no longer under Lucifer's protction, meaning that if they die, they will not be resurrected as they have now turned into Demons.

Common Myths and Legends

There are rumors that there simply is no way to kill an angel, or even win in a fight with them. This is untrue; if an angel is fatally wounded in battle, then death is inevitable. Permanent death, however, is unlikely, due to Lucifer's protection.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Angels are neutral to almost all races. If they meet a race from Koronga, they will be hostile toward each other and inevitably fight.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Holy Birds
Lucifer´s heavens
Average Height
Average Weight
63.5-77 kg


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