
Cosi Commaln

Cosi was separated from his mother not long after his birth and carried into the marsh by two of her faithful servants, the temple guard Dren and the priestess Elise. The pair raised Cosi as best they could and kept him safe from harm, hiding him in a valley of the Intraana's. There they taught him to be kind and to look after the world around him. He had a happy childhood despite not knowing his parents and grew to be a strong and confident young man but he always knew there was something more, something he wasn't being told. When he asked about his parents all he was told is that they were both still out there making sure he was safe and that one day they would be reunited.

A soul divided

  Every soul has a master, the source that feeds it life. An invisible thread connects them and vibrates with magic. Those that can hear can tell the songs apart and those that can sing can change it. Father Aldwin lacked a voice but he did know how to make music. Cosi's soul was a gift from Liandra, a generous god that asks nothing in return but Father Aldwin and Cosi's grandmother, Galean, sought to turn his soul to another.

Mental characteristics


Cosi was raised by a village of priests and priestesses but his knowledge extended beyond scripture. Elise and Neff taught him everything they knew about herbs and healing concoctions while Dren shared his love of nature, taking the child on long walks through the forest.  As the child grew Boden realised that he was able to hold magic in a way that no other living being could. Magic gathered around Cosi in such quantity that it would react to his subconscious thoughts, crackling off him like the air before a storm. Aware of the potential risk Boden set about helping Cosi control his emotions, teaching him to let go of his anger and maintain a calm centre.




Towards Eva




Towards Cosi


Cover image: by dalle3
Character Portrait image: Cosi Commaln by DALLE-3


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