Talia Hale

Talia Hale

Talia Hale was the Alpha of the Hale Pack, and mother of Derek Hale, Laura Hale and Cora Hale.

She was born into the Hale Pack, a Guardian Pack (although their Nemeton had been destroyed in the 1940s). She had one younger brother, Peter Hale, which whom she was extremely close, despite the age difference between them.

In 1984, she began a relationship with Richard Loumis, a beta from a neighbouring pack, and they eventually married two years late. The couple had three children, Laura, Derek, and Cora, all Werewolves.

In 1994, she learned that the Werecoyote Corinne Nichols was pregnant with Peter's child. Talia persuaded Corinne to keep the baby, but, recognising that Peter would not be a fit parent, arranged for the baby (Malia Tate) to be adopted by a human family who lived in the Beacon Hills Nature Preserve, where Talia could keep watch over her. When the Tate crash happened, she attempted to find Malia, intending to bring her to live with the Hales, but was unable to catch her.

When her father Jacob Hale died in 1999, she ascended to become Alpha of the pack. Although the Hales were no longer truely Guardians, they still carried substantial political power among North American Werewolf Packs, and she was often called upon to give advice or to mediate disputes, especially among local packs. Over time, she gained a reputation for being calm and level-headed, and always seeking a peaceful solution when one was available.

When a member of Ennis's Pack accidentally killed a Hunter, triggering violent retaliation by the Argent Clan, Ennis and his neighbouring Alphas, Kali and Deucalion sought Talia's counsel. She advised Deucalion against trying to broker a treaty with Gerard Argent (then defacto head of the Clan, as Elaine Argent had recently died, and Victoria Argent had not yet taken her place as Argent Matriarch) as she believed Gerard would not honour it.

Deucalion ignored her warnings, believing the risk was worth it if it meant a possible peace. However, Talia's warnings proved precient, as Gerard sprung a trap at the peace talks, killing almost all of Deucalion's Pack and blinding its Alpha.

When Deucalion responded by creating an Alpha Pack with Ennis and Kali, Talia made no attempt to stop him, but refused his offer to join, and made it clear he was no longer welcome in Hale territory.

In 2004, she was killed, along with the majority of her pack, by Kate Argent in the Hale House Fire.


Talia Hale


Towards Richard Loumis-Hale

Richard Loumis-Hale


Towards Talia Hale

Peter Hale


Towards Talia Hale


Talia Hale


Towards Peter Hale


Oak Moon
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
15th December 1961
1961 CE 2004 CE 43 years old
Circumstances of Death
Burned to death by Kate Argent
Place of Death
Peter Hale (brother)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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