Malia Tate

Malia Tate is a born Werecoyote, affiliated with the Hale-McCall Pack.

As part an ongoing campaign to restore the Hale Family's Guardian abilities which were lost after the California Nemeton was cut down, Peter Hale deliberately sought out Corinne Nichols for a sexual relationship, as werecoyotes all possess the ability to full-shift, and he believed that if they had a child who was a born Werewolf, they might also possess this ability due to their werecoyote DNA.

However, when the child was born a werecoyote rather than werewolf, he lost all interest in them. Since Corinne also did not want the child, Talia Hale arranged for her to be adopted by a local family, the Tates.

When Malia was eight years old, Corinne sought to kill her, as she had lost her full-shit ability after giving birth, and believed killing her daughter would restore it. She failed to kill Malia, but the fear triggered Malia's first full-moon transformation, causing Evelyn Tate to crash the car they were in into a ravinne, killing herself and Kylie Tate on impact.

Having not been taught about the supernatural, Malia found herself unable to return to human form, and, deeply traumatised and blaming herself for the accident, she evaded Talia's efforts to find her. When Talia was killed only a few months later, the last person who knew Malia was a werecoyote was gone, and with it any chance of turning her back to human.

In 2011, Noah Stilinski, who had recently learned about the existence of the supernatural, began re-examining old cases to see if there was any supernatural element he had missed previously. One of the cases was the Tate crash, and given the claw marks inside the car and the fact that it happened on the full moon, he became convinced the crash had been caused by a werewolf.

When he asked Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski to examine the crash-site, they encountered a coyote who's eyes glowed blue, and they realised it must be Malia.

However, Malia's adoptive father Henry Tate had long harboured a grudge against coyotes, since they had been blamed for the mutilation of his wife and younger daughter's bodies, and were presumed to have dragged Malia's body from the wreck, since it could not be found. After Noah's questionning reawakened painful memories, he set out to kill the coyote which been spending increasing amounts of time close to his house, not knowing it was Malia, and the McCall Pack (aided by some members of the Hale Pack) were only just able to save her from being killed by her own father.

Scott was able to force Malia to return to human using his Alpha roar, but to his surprise, Malia was deeply unhappy, as returning to human meant having to process the trauma she had undergone as a child. She demanded he try and turn her back.

When he admitted he didn't know how, she approached the Hale pack, where she was recognised by Peter, who manipulated her into helping him double-cross the other werewolves in order to assist Jennifer Blake to restore the Nemeton.

Although the McCall pack, especially Stiles Stilinski who she had become friends with, made it clear they would forgive her for her actions, when the Nemeton was restored, and with it her full-shift abilities, she chose to return to her life in the wild.


Kylie Tate


Towards Malia Tate


Malia Tate


Towards Kylie Tate


Oak Moon
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
28th November 1994
Year of Birth
1994 CE 18 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Kylie Tate (sister)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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