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Offerings are left on the steps of hundreds of homes. Children play in the streets, their parents content knowing they will be safe. Deals are made that place more on the line than material possessions.
In the wake of the Catran invasion of Oscus, Coldbridge was flooded with Elven refugees that found the districts softer aesthetics more comfortable than cold and efficiency of Peritons other districts.   In contrast to its name, Coldbridge garners a larger cultural following than most other districts. With roads lined with well-maintained parks, art galleries and large museums many well off families often decide to settle down in the area, turning it into Peritons primary residential district.   With its lack of heavily profitable industries Coldbridge has no violent gang that stalks its streets. However, the gang known as Steel Court is known for extracting deals and gifts out of the unfortunate. Gathering a territory just as large as any of the other inner city districts.
Location under


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