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Wine Crown

A man yells as he is thrown into the streets, the doors of the Casino slamming shut behind him. Men in suits knock on a door gently, forcing their way past the pleading woman. Gold is stacked against the walls of an office as a masked man patiently counts each piece.
In the early years of Narrow Springs expansion, few things were exported as prominently as wine. Entire families grew into nobility due to their contribution to the towns notoriety and economy. And while their lands were bought to further the expansion of Periton, their fame and riches did not go with it.   Some of these families would leave the city to attempt to rebuild their industry. Others followed the motto of Slosteria, investing in the new industries that had risen up in recent years. Others still, turned towards the exploitation of the visitors coming far and wide to see the Clockwork City.  


Casinos, brothels and other institutions of dubious nature, such as The Arch and The Red Dress would fill the Wine Crown over the years. And while similar buildings could be found all over Periton, no district contains as many as the Wine Crown.   And yet while the city has a long history of leisure buildings, its own history of an aspiring town can still be found. It's various schools, such as Ibealany and Oakwood University, providing an education that while paling in comparison to those of Narrow Spring, are still steps above the rest of Slosteria. The Coldbox, a piece of important history that helped define many of the cities advancements. The districts beautiful Dawn Field and the many institutions of innocent entertainment like Hailfall Theater. The Director of the district, has done their best to keep the violence of its gangs and the innocence of its people separated.  

Social Situation


The Sub-Director in charge of the Wine Crown Sentinels, Sudan Bhassa, has done their best to keep to the vision of Umelar. Due to being the first district to acquire it's own branch of Sentinels Sudan was given more leniency in how they were handled, resulting in the generally more militaristic outlook compared to its contemporaries.  


The districts gangs however are much less organized. Even the Hoard is occasionally seen to have infighting amongst it's various captains. Their transition still holding lingering traces of loyalty to The Dragon. Not including its splinter groups such as the The Wyverns and other minor gangs that have proven to be little more than consistent nuisances to both innocents and gangs alike.  


In the aftermath of Hero's Call's Attack  many mercenaries were drawn to Periton, later forming the backbone of many of the cities gangs. However many of these would later turn towards the Sentinels become vigilantes. The number of these individuals varies wildly from district to district, but Libra has become one of the most consistent of these mercenary groups.


  • Wine Crown


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