Session 6: "The King of Rags"

General Summary

The Ka-Tet were approached by a dwarf named Gedramak Ironfist, indicating to them that he knew they needed jink to buy an eye. He wanted thrm to find a barmy by the name of Eliath and bring him back. Gedramak will be at a tavern called the Sign of the Crooked Sword.   Wanting to Find Pharod, the party approached a dead end alley and thrust a piece of junk into the portal to have it open. They entered the Trash Warrens and were immediately met by Collectors. They were hostile in nature, but Esmae of the Flowers took the initiative to try to alter their approach. Going a ‘bit barmy’ had them promptly stepping back with uncertainty, allowing her to pass.   Venturing deeper into the maze of rubbish, Mae ahead of the rest, was teleported away . The other party members decided to follow and found themselves in a small room, along with a chest and in-numerous Cranium rats. The rats swarmed over The Nameless
One, managing to inflict immense damage, and killing him instantly. The remaining party members battled violently and valiantly, whittling them down until they ‘ceased to be’. In all there were 26 rat tails available to be collected, by the time the fighting ended. The chest contained 260 gp, 585 sp, 5 clot charms, 2 cranium rat charms, 3 dirty rat charms.   With a dead TNO, the party weighed up their options, but with a combination of Esmae’s grieving tears, flowers arranged over his torso, and the passage of time, he awakened, very much alive.     After healing the party moved deeper into the Warrens, encountering more of the ever-present thugs and collectors.   One such group was led by Bish. By lying about their purposes there, the Ka-Tet managed to gain entrance via a trapdoor to a Buried Village beneath.   This area was lit by bio luminescence.   Exploring had the party encounter a tatted monk Ku'u Yin, who looked at them hopefully.   He indicated that nearby lived a witch Marta, who sold charms.   He then told the party that he had lost his name to a Knight of the Crosstrade, when she had promised him a way to leave in exchange for it. She remained in the area, just to the South.   We found Radine, whom was likely the woman. She offers his name for lots of gold we didn’t have.   When talking with her they noticed a Celestial Dragon tattoo on her arm, and TNO / Esmae recognise it as representing a faction of dragons that joined with the gods after the Dawn War. These dragons took on the role of Forces of Order, similar to angels.   TNO offered to give her a copy of the ‘Torment’ symbol from over my heart in exchange for Ku’u Yin’s name and she agreed. Using the Tome of Bone and Ash, he transferred it onto her arm. When this was done they both experienced a sudden pain causing her to flee, and leaving a piece of skin with Ku'u Yin’s name on it behind.   Ku'Yin was delighted to agoan have his name, but soon opened a portal and departed. He left behind a Symbol of Law (magical item that provides Protection from Good and Evil against all chaos beings)     We go to see the witch Marta nearby. Her hovel resembled a vulture’s den, with corpses and body parts all over the place. She was stripping the corpses of their teeth and their ‘stitchies’, plus also their ‘thingies inside’.   She told us that someone she described as a ‘fat faced gimme-pig’ called Quint told her to do this.   Yet again she was someone who seemed to know TNO already, and he suddenly had an unshakeable feeling that there was an item trapped inside of him.   Weirdly The Nameless One found himself asking Marta if she could do a search of his innards, and within his intestines she found a ring of protection. There was then the issue of what to do with his guts, as Marta had efficiently removed them from TNO's abdomen. In the end it decided it was just easiest to just put them in his backpack.     The Ka-Tet finally approached and entered Pharod’s headquarters, finding him within. When he asked what they wanted, TNO showed him his Tattoos and indicated his quest to find the journal.   TNO asked him what he knew of him, and he admitted he knew much, but that the information was not free. He asked something in return before he would tell more.   Pharod had lost a sphere in the catacombs nearby, and asked that TNO retrieve it. He had a faint recollection of this sphere, bronze and egg-shaped, smelling of rotten custard. They agreed the deal, then hearing Dak’kon express the feeling that he had somehow become more powerful. It was also apparent that we had discovered Pharod’s likely source of so many corpses, the Catacombs ( Retrieve Bronze Sphere ).   Pharod mentioned that TNO had always appeared keen to go to The Mortuary, but was a bit put out that he never seemed to stay there.   When asked about the buried village, he told me that it was bricked over by the Dabuses one day, and everyone just forgot about it. He called his ‘palace’ within the Buried Village the Ill-Wind Court.     A nearby Collector, Uhir, also asked Arvid to find his lost knife in the catacombs (long handle and short blade with a hide hilt – surgery knife for healing) His hand was withered and he mentioned dead things in the catacombs ( Retrieve Knife ).   Another, Quint, asked that the party find his necklace, likely from Gris who is in the Weeping Stone Catacombs ( Find Necklace )     The party picked up Eilana as they exited the Buried Village, first waiting for her to complete a game of Dragon Chess, then headed out of the Trash Warrens once again.     The party rested with Arlo at the flop house, before considering their next move. The night’s sleep was haunted by visions of shadows in a room at the mortuary. TNO felt compelled to read about the Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon the next morning.     Deciding that they needed to be rid of the box that had Esmae cursed, theparty headed to the SW Hive in search of The Alley of Dangerous Angles. There they were approached by 3 thugs wearing blue arm bands, who declared themselves to be of the Razor Angels. They sought payment of 10sp to proceed, which was paid, and they escorted us to Krystall, their leader.   The church needed to try and remove the cursed box was on the other side of the Alley, and this region was controlled by a faction of thugs opposed to the Razor Angels. The Ka-Tet suggested to Krystall that she might benefit if they cooperated against this other faction, The Darkalley Shivs. She agreed and demanded the death of Rotten William, their leader. Crossing towards the opposing faction’s territory they shaped themselves for the all familiar fight.   Session end
Report Date
25 Jun 2023
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