Isolation Unit for Contagious Diseases

Written by itsamae

The Isolation Unit is a specialized medical facility designed to contain and treat individuals infected with highly contagious or unknown diseases. This self-contained unit is engineered to uphold the highest standards of biosecurity, preventing the spread of infections within and beyond its walls. It comprises multiple isolation rooms, each equipped with advanced life-support systems, decontamination zones, and observation windows for continuous monitoring by medical staff.   The air filtration and waste disposal systems are built to exceed the strictest safety standards, ensuring that all pathogens are effectively neutralized. Access to the unit is restricted to trained healthcare professionals wearing protective gear, and entry and exit follow rigorous decontamination protocols. The unit also features a dedicated laboratory for rapid disease analysis and treatment development, emphasizing the swift recovery of patients and the safety of the broader community.
Located on the Keep's second sub-level.   Creating DM: Mae Drusus
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Owning Organization