
Skrima are keratoplexan predators that roam Heimval and hunt in packs of five to fifteen individuals. They are small compared to most Heimval predators, however they are very fast and prodigious leapers due to their six legs. Two of these legs are articulated keratin spars that grow from their highly muscled keratoplex. This third set of limbs are longer than their four true legs and give them a vaulting gate. This allows them to run down much larger dadyr and even small magunir. Once they catch up to their prey, two or three of the pack will use their keratin limbs to pole vault onto the backs of their prey where they bite and gouge until the prey is brought down.


Skrima are known for the high pitched whistles and click vocalizations they use, especially during hunts. Though small, they are more feared by the native peoples of Heimval than the much larger solidary predators such as the erfidur.


Skrima are quadrupeds with a third set of keratin spar limbs. They have long muzzles with short, hooked black beaks and sharp black teeth. Their bodies are sleek, lean with coloration ranging from tawny, nearly white to dark brown, depending on habitat. Their tails are nearly as long as their torsos with a feathered tuft at the end that fans out into an iridescent green in males and is used during mating season. All have black, verticle stripes. Their muzzles are lighter than their bodies. Their eyes are large and golden with vertical pupils.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
30 years
Average Height
0.5 meters at the shoulder.
Average Weight
45 kg
Average Length
2.5 meters from head to tail.
Average Physique
Sleek and lean.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tawny to black, with black stripes.
Geographic Distribution


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