
Erfidur are large, solitary ambush hunters that live across Heimval that stand 1 meter at the shoulder and are 3 meters long. They are related to the larger Oghra of Volenar. Erfidur have short, sleek double layers of feathers. Their coloration ranges from tan to black, depending on their environment. Forest dwelling erfidur are darker while those of the grassy plains are lighter. Most species have a striped coat pattern. The dorsal limbs are retained in the males as a form of mating and territorial display, females use them to carry young. They are toothless, but their black, hooked beaks are edged with sharp, serrated iron impregnated keratin.


Erfidur are feared and respected by all the native peoples of Heimval. They are silent, intelligent hunters who are difficult to spot in their natural environments. They are very territorial, even against other predators and will steal kills if they have the opportunity. They are a dangerous nuisance to Jolnir pastoralists.


In the days before metal was developed and became widespread, their keratin teeth were used to line flat wooden clubs of the Jolnir. Similar weapons are still used by the ettnir and some of the more remote Vandir tribes.

Genetic Ancestor(s)


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