
A ranec is a large, two legged bird-like keratoplexan that lives in herds on the plains and in the forests of Kalmasa and southern Barendar. Raneks stand three meters and have long necks and long scaly legs with taloned feet. Their forelegs are smaller with clawed, three digit hands. Their bodies and upper legs are covered in long, hair-like feathers ranging from black to tawny yellow with various patterns depending on sub-specie or breed. Their heads sport a crest of blue-skinned horn and they possess beaks with a hooked end filled with backwards curving black teeth.

Raneks are omnivorous, eating grasses, seeds, insects, rodents and anything else they can catch and get down their long throats. The @Calmaxtec domesticated ranecs long ago and have long used them as mounts, food and beasts of burden. Though not as docile or strong as the horses introduced by the Eshtem, they are faster sprinters and can go longer without water and being omnivorous, can forage more efficiently.

They are capable of carrying two riders. Domesticated raneks are considered to be ornery and will hiss a warning at strangers or bite. If alarmed or cornered, they will projectile vomit their noxious stomach contents on the perceived aggressor and lash out with their large, taloned feet, though they usually prefer to run away.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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