
Native to the forests of Kalmasa, Barendar and parts of Kemesh, the terrosk is a pack keratoplexan animal that stands up to meter at the shoulder. They have long muzzles with a double row of black, serrated teeth and no beak. They have coats of short, close fitting scale-like feathers with coloration patterns ranging from white to brown and black. Their keratoplex extends down the ridge of their back and long tail of the terrosk has evolved long, sharp quills that can be shifted and even thrown from the tail.

They are smaller cousins of the @oghra. Known as Laughing Death, the terrosk has a call that sounds like a maniacal laugh. They also give out a short, screaming whoop when prey is being chased or cornered. When hunting, terrosks stalk their prey, getting as close as they can before beginning chase. If any terrosks get within 10 meters of their prey, they will whip their tails, firing their tail quills. These quills are not poisonous, but can create infections which cripple and slow down their prey and help the terrosk track by the sweet, strong smell of infection.

Terrosks are used as guard and hunting animals by some cultures. However, even domesticated ones can be unpredictable and are usually only to be trusted by their handlers and those who smell like their handlers.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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