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Religion in the Free States

It is said that there is a deity for every person within the Free States; while this is clearly false there is some merit to it. By far and away the Free States pay reverence to the largest number of deities. This is because the Free States lack any kind of hegemony, be it political, cultural, or religious. For this same reason there is a distinct lack of centralised religions as they come into conflict with political establishments. Amongst the many deities worshiped within Free States the Morndinsamman, Seldarineand Draconic pantheon also receive worship.

Deities of the Free States

Deity Deity Snippet Alignments Domains
Bahamut Followers must uphold the highest ideals of justice, nobility, protection, and honour, they must also protect the weak, liberate the oppressed, and defend just order. LG, LN,NG Life, Order, War
Bane The strong have both the right and duty to rule and subjugate the weak. LE,LN Death, Order, Trickery, War
Beshaba The embodiment of misfortune, worshiped to bring it upon others. CE, CN Nature, Trickery
Bhaal The Lord of Murder, patron murders and madmen. NE, CE N Death, War
Chauntea Deity of agriculture, nature, and protector of the cycle of rebirth. NG, LG,LN, N Life, Grave
Deneir Deity of knowledge, devoted to the collection of it regardless of it could be used for good or evil. N, NG, NE Arcana, Knowledge
Eldath Deity of the natural order, followers believe nature must be protected through peace or violent means. NG, CG, CN Life, Nature, Peace
Gond Deity of innovation and craft, teaches that the divine can be found in creating masterworks and new inventions. N Forge, Knowledge
Helm Deity dedication to vigilance and protection of the weak, and take up the sword to fight evils. LN, LG Order, Twilight, War
Hore Deity of vengeance and retribution worshiped by the truly wronged or hateful who seek violence. LN, CN, N War
Illmater Deity of suffering, martyrdom, perseverance, compassion, and endurance. Followers do not revere suffering and pain instead they seek to heal or ease it. LG, LN Life, Order, Peace
Ioun Deity of knowledge and arcane, the accumulation, perseverance, and distribution of knowledge is a sacred duty. All Arcana, Knowledge
Kelemvor Death is the natural end of life, it must not be subverted. Necromancers and undead must be destroyed. LN, N Death, Grave, Order
Lathander Deity of the spring, renewal, protection, and the Morning Lord to being true death fiends and undead. NG, CG Life, Light, Nature, War
Lliira Deity of happiness whose followers, the joydancers, seek to bring joy into the world. CG, CN Life, Peace
Malar Vicious and violent beast deity of the wild. CE, CN, NE, N Death, Nature
Mask The Master of Thieves worshiped those who enjoy illicit activities, such as pickpocketing, burglary, mugging, and congames, but also those who must participate in them to survive. CN, CE,CG Trickery
Mystra Deity of magic and the embetterment of one's own abilities through arcane and mundane means. LN, N, CN Arcana, Knowledge
Raven Queen Deity of death and the passing of life. LN, N, NG Death, Grave
Selûne Deity of love and passion, the moon and tides, travel and peace, and of desire and hedonism. CG, CN, NG Life, Peace, Twilight
Shar Dark deity of the night, shadows, trickery, entropy, and murder. NE, CE, N Death, Trickery
Silvanus Deity of nature and the natural order, seen as a kind deity in pleasant climates and cruel one in unforgiving climates. N, CN Nature
Talos The Storm Lord, a destructive force that washes away undead and fiendish corruption, sometimes with collateral damage. LN, N, CN Tempest, War
The Radiant Lady Protect the weak from evils of fiends, monsters, and undead. Various sects, oppose nonhuman, magic, or both. LN, N, CN Flame, Grave, Knowledge, Life, Light, Order, Twilight, War
Tymora A deity of luck and wealth. NG, N Trickery
Umberlee Deity of the bitter storms and seas, worshiped to avoid a watery death. CN, CE, N Tempest

Deity Deity Snippet Alignments Domains
Larethian Deity of creation, magic, music, arts, crafts, poetry, and warfare. CG, CN Arcana, Forge, Life, War
Angharradh Deity of safety, family, protection, and fertility. NG, N Life, Light, Nature, Peace, Twilight
Analor Deity of healing, bringing an end to suffering, and death. NG, N, NE Death, Life, Grave
Athbheo Deity of anger, revenge, revanchism, and hatred of humans. LN, LG, N, LE Order, War
Deep Selesh Deity of the seas, rivers, and water, as well as protection from the elements. CG, CN, N, CE Tempest, Twilight
Erevan Deity of trickery, mischief, and thievery. CN, CN, CE, N Trickery
Hanali Deity of romantic love, beauty, and joy. CG, CN Life, Peace
Labelas Deity of history and knowledge. N Arcana, Knowledge
Liothiel Deity of agriculture and harvest. CG, CN Life, Nature
Rillifane Deity of nature and druidism. CG Life, Nature
Sehanine deity of the moon, mysteries and secrets, and protection of the dead and protection during travel. CG, CN Grave, Trickery, Twilight
Shevarash Deity of loss and hatred of the drow. N, NE, NG Grave, War
Solonor Deity of the hunt, survival, and the warden against encroachment. CN, N, LN, CE, CG Nature, War
Vandria Deity of justice and punishment. LN Order, War
Deity Deity Snippet Alignments Domains
Moradin Father of the Morndinsamman, creator deity, patron of crafting, research, nobility, and lawful order LG, LN Forge, Knowledge, Order
Berronar Matriarch of the Morndinsamman. and patron deity of hearth, home, peace, and protection LG, LN, NG Life, Peace, Twilight
Brightmantle Patron diety of knowledge, discovery, and innovation LN, N, CN Arcana, Forge, Knowledge
Dumathoin Patron diety of wealth, mining, subterranean exploration, and the dead LN, N Grave, Trickery
Hanseath Patron deity of war, battle, carousing, and alcohol N, CN, CE War
Kalerdun Patron deity of the seas, fire, and survival in the deserts; typically only worshipped within the Atarsid Isles CN, N, LE Flame, Light, Nature, Tempest
Sharindlar Patron deity of the arts and romantic love CG, NG, CN, N Life, Peace, Trickery
Thard Patron deity of survival, hunting, and nature CN, LN, N Life, Nature
The Silverbeard Patron deity of battle, valour, and honour LG, LN War
Vergadain Patron deity of trade, commerce, bartering, wealth, and ambition, but also luck and chance CG, CN, CE Forge, Trickery

Deity Name Deity Snippet Alignments Domains
IO The Dead Deity, a creator deity of Runetalras and all dragon kind N, LN Grave, Knowledge, life, Order
Bahamut Patron deity of metallic dragons and Dragonborn, and a deity of justice, protection, honour, and a force of good amongst the Draconic Pantheon LG, CG, NG Flame, Life, Light, Order, Peace, Twilight, War
Tiamat Patron deity of chromatic dragons and Dragonborn, and a deity of vengeance, power, and greed LE, CE, NE, LN Flame, Death, Light, Order, Trickery, War
Sardior Patron deity of gem dragons and gem Dragonborn, as well as a deity of outcasts CG, CN, CE Flame, Life, Trickery
Astilabor Deity of wealth, trade, and craftsmanship, but is also a deity of greed and hoarding N, LN, LE, CN, CE Knowledge, Trickery
Garx Deity of destruction, fire, and rebirth through disaster CE, NE, CN, N Death, Flame
Hlal Deity for inventiveness, humour, and pleasure CN, CG, CE Forge. Trickery
Kereska Deity of magic and the arcane N, CN Arcana
Null Deity of death and murder, but also a deity who protects the dead and carries souls to the afterlife N, LE, CE Death, Grave, Trickery, War
Tamara Deity of mercy, healers, life, and both the negative and positive aspects of nature CG, LG, NG, N Life, Nature, Tempest

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