Hesiemar River

This long and curving river has its headwaters deep in the Lamazian Steppes and flows through several Himsean settlements before emptying out into Golden Sea. Most importantly, the elven capital of Enorei spans both sides of the half mile wide mouth of the river.  The Hesiemar feeds the effective captial of the free world with fresh water.


In the early days of the elven expansion, before Himse the Prophet was even born, this river served as the northern border to the elven kingdoms that began in the forests to the south. Some scholars posit that the skills required to build ferries and later bridges to cross to the river's northern banks were initial trial that spurred on the development of elven magic, art, and architecture and turned the elves from nomadic horse lords into city builders.
518 mi / 833 km   Major Settlements
Location under
Owning Organization
Sanzeia World Map


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