In Dreams - Session 07

General Summary

It will be a couple of days before the caravan to the Ulrich Monastery is ready to depart. Sylman takes part of this time to write two letters. The first is to Baron Ashwood, informing him that the group will retrieve the amulet, but later; for now, they need to leave town on an unrelated matter. The second is to Baron Borgen, expressing his wish that they will be able to meet in a few weeks to discuss the matter of Sylman's brother, as well as other topics.   Seeking to learn more about Anasazi history and Sinzil's tomb from someone other than Baron Ashwood, Eric goes to the university and applies his charm to look for sources of information. He is eventually referred to Elmar Drake, professor of foreign cultures, and finds the elderly man in his office. He regales the professor with the tale of their discovery of Sinzil's tomb and shares the rubbings they took from the bier and the stone disc. However he omits any mention of Sinzil's ghost.   Professor Drake is fascinated by the rubbings. There are few written Anasazi records from ancient times, he explains; it seems that at some point in the past the Anasazi destroyed them, and now most of what is known of their history is from their oral traditions.   The writings from the burial bier, he explains, describe Sinzil's life and his service to the Sanguine Scale as a Ward for the Frozen Flame. The Wards were special individuals, shamans, chosen to guard... whatever the Frozen Flame was; they are believed to have been solitary guardians serving in rotation, though the reason why is not known. The bier describes Sinzil as having been a Ward for "seven cycles of Bahamut's Eye"—thought to be a reference to a conjunction of the three moons, white behind red behind black, which occurs approximately every two years. The assigned Ward would change when Bahamut's Eye was in the sky. Even the number of Wards is unknown, but it's speculated that there were 10 to 14 serving at any time. Some of the professor's colleagues have speculated that the purpose of the Wards was to keep others away from the Frozen Flame, but there is no solid evidence of what exactly they did.   Professor Drake then turns to the inscriptions from the stone disc. The first phrase—"Might of the Mother"—must pertain to Bahamut. She is the dragon depicted at the center of the disc, one of the great world spirits the Anasazi refer to as Loa, spirits or gods. The meaning of the second phrase, "Rend the scales of the sky", is uncertain. Perhaps a reference to a battle of some kind, or to the Draconid meteor shower and the fiery venom of Xochalakana. The third phrase, "Seal the heart of the void", is new to him. "Arise the Sanguine Scale" relates to Sinzil's religious order, and "Guard that which whispers death" would seem to refer to the Frozen Flame itself.   Eric also asks the professor about Atsah. There are a few stories of a tribal leader named Atsah, Drake explains. It's said that he was a tyrant, who claimed to have received the power of the loa and who conquered many tribes during his long life. Somewhere in the Crimson Lowlands he was overcame and met his end. But the Anasazi are reluctant to say more of him.   The Professor has never before seen inscriptions from a Ward's tomb, and asks to borrow the rubbings so that he can make copies. Eric begs off so as to consult with his companions.   Meanwhile, Sylman begins his stakeout of what was supposed to be the Hawthornes' apartment, hiding in plain sight by disguising himself as a vagrant. Some royal soldiers roust him from his first position across the alley, forcing him to find a new vantage point, but after a few hours he sees a woman with short blonde hair and a young girl descending the wooden stairs and heading down the street. Though he cannot be sure, the woman does not seem to be the same one he shot in the forest near Sinzil's tomb.   Sylman makes his way up the stairs, knocking at the door before picking the apartment's lock and entering. His careful search finds no evidence of any connection with the Hawthornes or suggestive of adventuring or magical experience. He leaves the room as it was, closes the door (though he is unable to relock it), and returns to The Bent Coin.   Father Wilhelm introduces Mongo to Ethan Tarbek, a recently ordained priest from Westgate only slightly older than Mongo himself. Father Tarbeck will be travelling with the caravan to the monastery, in order to relieve one of the current priests. Tarbeck's youthful enthusiasm for his assignment is infectious, and Mongo gives him a big hug.   Eric performs every evening at The Bent Coin, though none of the performances reach the same heights as that first evening on their return to Redwall. After discussing the issue with Sylman, he also returns to the university to leave the rubbings with a grateful Professor Drake, to establish a basis for future consultation and information sharing.   Sylman returns to The Fist and Flagon and tells Nalia that her information on the Hawthornes did not check out. Surprised, she indicates she'll look into it. "Thanks for the tip, sweetheart," she says, and gives him a peck on the cheek.   Mongo spends most of his time at the abbey, in meditation and prayer.  

October 20, 1203 AR

  The caravan assembles at midday. It consists of two wagons laden with supplies for the monastery (dried meats, wine, oil, and heavy duty clothing), Father Ethan, a caravan master, and four guards. The party brings its own cart, driven by Bruno with an extra horse tied behind the cart. Before they depart, Father Wilhelm thanks Sylman and Eric for their assistance to Mongo: "this journey is very important to his spiritual growth—and to your own." Soon enough Bruno is piping the group out of Redwall as they exit by the eastern gate.   Their first stop is the Crossroads, some four days travel at the caravan's speed. They soon get to know their travelling companions. The caravan master is Alvar Warren, an experienced traveller in his mid-30s who has led caravans to the monastery before. The four guards—Gracen, Lorgen, Falbar, and Daris—are young and eager members of the faith, and consider it a blessing to be able to visit the monastery. None have travelled more than 20 miles from Redwall before. Falbar and Daris are eager to learn some martial tips from the more experienced fighters accompanying them, but after a few harsh training sessions with Bruno, they turn to Mongo instead. He provides what guidance he can, but focuses at least as much on leading the group in hymns each morning.   On the third night from Redwall, Eric and Lorgan are keeping watch when Eric hears the sound of horses in the darkness, and whispered voices. He quickly rouses the others, who ready themselves for battle. Stepping away from the fire, they see a mounted figure in the distance. "Who goes there?" Eric cries out. In the sharp response, Sylman recognizes the sound of a female orcish voice, and whistles the "friend" signal he learned back in July during the search for the missing caravan from the Wayfarer's Guild. The rider soon returns the signal and approaches; it is Tukaja, Huntmistress of the Dead Eye Tribe. Sylman notes that she bears a steel-tipped spear, when previously her weapons were of obsidian. They converse in Kota.   "It is good to see you, friend Sylman," she says, while raising her hand to Mongo in greeting. "I'm ashamed that you heard us. We had hoped to travel through your lands unmolested." Sylman asks of her son Ezno; he is well, she says, and is with the remaining elders. Sylman invites her to share the fire but she declines: "we cannot stop, but I will tell you what I know."   Tukaja and the others in her group are travelling to the southern valley, she explains, escorting refugees fleeing from Gulgar and his tribe, the Spiritbinders. His lust for power has only grown; he has already enslaved one tribe and persuaded another to join his forces. His followers are using their powers to force beings of the spirit world to serve them. "I'm sorry for the troubles that have befallen your people," Sylman responds.   Tukaja warns that her group is being hunted by a servant of Gulgar, a Ka, or witch, who has bound some wolf spirits to aid her. Sylman volunteers that if the caravan should come across her, they will try to lead her away, but Tukaja grimaces. "I pray to the spirits that you don't meet her. If you do, run."   Before she departs, Sylman gives her the jade amulet he purchased in Redwall some months ago. "It's brought me good luck," he says, "I hope it brings you luck too." Tukaja thanks him, and bids him and Mongo farewell. "I hope to see you both again," she says, and rides into the night.   Afterwards, Father Ethan cautiously approaches Sylman. "You convinced them go to away? Why didn't they try to kill us?!?" he asks incredulously. Sylman sighs and shares with him what he knows of the Odakota.  

October 23, 1203 AR

  The next morning, they keep an eye out for the witch pursuing Tukaja and her group. There is no sign of a witch or of wolves, but they encounter few travellers to Redwall. Alvar, the caravan master, has not seen this road so empty before.   In the early afternoon, they finally meet two members of the Wayfarer's Guild, bound for Redwall. Eric hails them and asks for news. Stopping briefly, the pair relates that they have encountered no trouble on the roads, but met few travellers between Westgate and the Crossroads, and fewer yet as they have travelled further west. Perhaps because many are in the fields for the harvest?   In late afternoon the caravan reaches the Crossroads. A wooden palisade surrounds an inn and a large stable for the succor of travellers. Another caravan is already present.   As Father Ethan negotiates for rooms with the proprietor—a bald fat man named Galvar Fender—the others visit the common room for rest and relaxation. Eric performs for the other travellers while Mongo enjoys some freshly cooked meat and Sylman overindulges in expensive liquors, becoming quite drunk. After he fails to make conversation with an attractive woman at another table, he loudly demands that Eric play "The Jilted Lover" until Mongo—at Father Ethan's request—picks him up and hauls him to his room. Before Sylman passes out, he gazes intently at Mongo and asks: "what can change the nature of a man?"  

October 24, 1203 AR

  The next morning, Father Ethan, clearly unimpressed, asks that Sylman restrain himself while travelling with the group. Sylman blames the stresses of the last few weeks and promises that it will not happen again.   The caravan leaves the Crossroads and heads south on the road to Diamond Lake. On the afternoon of the second day, Alvar spots the roadside cairn marking the trail leading east to the monastery, and the caravan turns off. The terrain becomes rougher, with the trail winding through the hills.   Late in the afternoon, their journey is interrupted by the howling of wolves. Sylman, Mongo, and Eric ride ahead of the caravan hoping to intercept them. Three wolves come at them over the hills; Sylman kills two at long range and wounds another, which flees. But they are forced to circle back when they realize that the rest of the pack is attacking the caravan from the flanks. Mongo, Eric, and Lorgan quickly kill the attacking wolves, though not before one of the draft horses for the wagons is injured. Mongo finally rides down the last wounded wolf and kills it cleanly. Eric speaks a healing word to the injured horse and the caravan is able to continue.  

October 26, 1203 AR

  On the third day from the Crossroads, they see a crude sign by the side of the trail: "Malrikstead 5 miles". A short while later they ride into the hamlet, which consists of but a few buildings, a well, and a blacksmith. As the caravan rolls in, the inhabitants emerge to welcome it. A stately looking woman, Reeve Brellin Santagar, welcomes them formally; Alvar returns her greeting, having met her on previous journeys. But he grows concerned when she asks for a private word.   Normally, she explains, the monastery caravans are given lodgings at Old Mitchar's place up the road, but no-one has seen him for a week or so, and others have reported experiencing unusual tremors. Perhaps the caravan guards would be able to investigate?
In Dreams
Report Date
12 Jan 2019
Primary Location
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