
Jumpcity is supposedly a wrecked Sardanian pelican ship that has been converted into a semi-mobile Interstellar Gate. It resides in Pacifica, and is used as a hub for smugglers, pirates, mercs, and all other manner of those who might exist outside of the law. It is technically under the control of heli.OS, who have been using it as a data hub for decades now. They regularly work with the Zym Cartels to move goods through the mobile city. The Sardania Nomads maintain that Jumpcity is indeed Sardanian, but none of the fleets truly know its origin or what happened to the Sardanian's who occupied it.   It has proven notoriously frustrating to Imperial security services, as it regularly jumps out of danger and pinning down a route to the station once it jumps is like finding a needle in a haystack full of needles. So, they regularly try to destablize the station using whatever means they have. While the station is a technological marvel, it can only jump a small distance at a time. The heli.OS that run the station keep the tech onboard the ship incredibly secret. Trying to leave Jumpcity with technological secrets is a death penalty, that has been enforced even in the Core Systems.   Those who live on the station more permenantly know the need to work together to survive. Pirates may call the station home, but they bring back essential oxygen and water to feed those who live in Jumpcity. Criminals might use the station to move weapons or Slo-Mo, but it pays for parts neccessary to keeping the station functioning.
Space Station
Location under
Owning Organization


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