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Grave Encounters

  • 1432

    29 Sarenith

    Ancient Mysteries
    Discovery, Exploration

    †Szwin Corva successfully enters the Tomb of Anillaxis IV and retrieves The Jewel of Anillaxis.

  • 1432

    3 Erastus

    Court of the Unseelie
    Life, Relocation

    Fleeing from the law and giant scorpions in The Savaan Desert , †Szwin Corva, Sedona, and Tomar leave to the fey cout of Lady Františka Bára.

    The First World
  • 1432

    5 Erastus

    The Eyes of the Fey
    Life, Relocation

    †Szwin Corva and Sedona are escorted to Last Haven Lady Františka Bára, after helping to rid her court of blighted fey. She indicated it would be useful if they met again.

    Last Haven
  • 1432

    6 Erastus

    Finding Lost Souls
    Discovery, Exploration

    While lost in the meshnets of Last Haven, †Szwin Corva stumbles upon a corrupted soul gem, which binds his soul with that of Elgris Valfiel.

    Last Haven
  • 1432

    7 Erastus

    Szwin Corva's Death (First)
    Life, Death

    After contact with The Beast Beneath, †Szwin Corva Szwin Corva drowns escaping the depths of Last Haven.

    Last Haven
  • 1432

    8 Erastus

    Szwin Corva's Resurrection
    Life, Supernatural

    †Szwin Corva is resurrected by Sedona, and subsequently arrested by the Last Haven City Guard.

    Last Haven
  • 1432

    11 Erastus

    12 Arodus

    Construction of Kroll Station
    Construction beginning/end

    For possesion of a soul gem, †Szwin Corva and Sedona are put to work on the Kroll Station, under the supervisory watch of the head engineer, Savannah Zanixis.

    Kroll Station
  • 1432

    16 Arodus

    Aes-Kroll Star Skimmer Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    †Szwin Corva and Sedona joined other passengers of the Aes-Kroll Star Skimmer to thwart a terrorist attack by the raksasha, †Lord Krinskild.

  • 1432

    20 Arodus

    27 Rova

    A Change in Career
    Life, Career

    Along with the tiefling, Quoice Helltalon, †Szwin Corva and Sedona begin sailing as part of Helltalon's budding delivery services

    Last Haven
  • 1432

    18 Lamashan

    Elgris Valfiel Returns
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    †Szwin Corva and Sedona (through their travels with Quoice Helltalon) are able to seperate the soul fragment trapped withinSzwin from the soul gem. Through voluntary death, they speak with a psychopomp, who reveals that Elgris Valfiel has also returned to the world. They are charged with returning him to the boneyard before he can spread death upon Erde and beyond.

  • 1432

    21 Lamashan

    A Divine Directive

    Using the Jewel of Anillaxis, †Szwin Corva and Sedona return to Erde and make for the Kingdom of Bithrop to stop Elgris Valfiel.

  • 1432

    27 Lamashan

    Favors for Favors
    Diplomatic action

    †Szwin Corva and Sedona unknowingly violate the Edicts on Planar Continuance and Progression, by sharing †Franklin Chitterden's book on clockwork with Tomas Adams. Taking advantage of the situation, Mr. Barley and Mr. Oats (two members of Františka Bára's court) modify the memories of Tomas and his wife, for which their lady requested payment by having one year to kill Chargon the Quiet.

    Thaile Woodlands
  • 1432

    29 Lamashan

    Family Reunion
    Life, Identity

    After a failed meeting with Doule Grimchest, Todd Grabbe leads †Szwin Corva and Sedona to the home of knight and vampire hunter, †Elaine Corva. Together, the goup decide to investigate undead sightings near Ableton.

  • 1432

    3 Neth

    Ghoul Attack
    Military: Battle
  • 1432

    10 Neth

    Dul Dorahl

    Sir Grabbe, Dame Corva, †Szwin, and Sedona lead recovery mission into Dul Dorahl in an effor to recover the Horns of Death before it can be retrieved by Valfiel.

    Dul Dorahl
  • 1432

    16 Neth

    Szwin and Elaine Corva's Death
    Life, Death

    While fighting alongisde the retreival party against the undead hordes of Dul Dorahl, †Elaine and †Szwin Corva give their lives fighting a banshee. Unable to revive them, Todd Grabbe and Sedona, lay them to rest.

    Dul Dorahl
  • 1432

    17 Neth

    The Resurrection of Samayō
    Life, Supernatural

    The Duskwalker Samayō Shisha arises from a grave in Nagasato, at the dojo of Irorian Harusuke Asai.

  • 1432

    21 Neth

    A Knight's Request
    Life, Career

    Leading the remnants of the retrieval party, Sedona and Todd Grabbe return with the Horns of Death. They are knighted for their efforts, and while preparing for the troubled times ahead, Todd takes up the person mission of delivering his fallen comrade's sword to her daughter.

  • 1432

    24 Neth

    19 Abadius

    The Journey South

    Sir Grabbe and Lady Sedona accompany the diplomatic envoy of Ambassador Elysia Frostwind to the southern continent of Yawayn, and the land of Hexie.

    Narrow Sea
  • 1433

    26 Abadius

    A Fated Reunion
    Military: Battle

    On the road to Amikamma, Sir Grabbe and Lady Sedona, meet Samayō Shisha and Harusuke Asai in a fierce battle against bandit Nagaji. Acknowledging the signifigance of a duskwalker, Todd and Sedona determine that Samayō is reincarnated †Szwin, and the two parties travel together to the capital.

  • 1433

    28 Abadius

    The Daughter of Oni
    Military: Skirmish

    In a outer village of Soksu, Todd, Sedona, and Samayō interupt a would be barfight between locals the locals Kōkatsuna Mai. Upon speaking with her, they realize that she may have stratigic information useful to their diplomatic mission, and she agrees to accompany the group into Amikamma as thanks for their aid.

  • 1433

    2 Calistril

    3 Calistril

    A Battle on Two Fronts
    Diplomatic action

    At a convening of the dynamos, Ambassador Frostwind petitions the Shogunate of Hexie for aid against the rising undead forces of Elgris Valfiel. Todd Grabbe and Sedona offer insights into the conflict.   Additionally, Kōkatsuna Mai offers intel on the Oni incursion, which is seized upon by the disgraced Dynamo, Shimei Nagamine. Seeing political benifit, he issues a challenge to Mai, who accepts a duel to the death. After convincing from Todd and Sedona, Mai ultimaty fakes her death to salvage the situation and agrees to guide the group to Arenthrop.
