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Ivory Savanna

Where the desert of the Firelands ends, the Ivory Savanna begins. Named for the presence of the large elephants that raise the grasslands, they are but one of the many kinds of life that live in the Savanna. Dry for most of the year, when the south winds blow east, they are caught on the Demonspires which can cause torrential downpours and monsoons that fill the rivers and lakes to last through the dry seasons.

Localized Phenomena

The Gods of the Bushland

Every so often on the Savanna, there appears a monster of immense size, called Titans by the Imperial Scholars but the Gods of the Bushlands by the Ivory Savanna Tribes. These monsters can be truly gigantic, outsizing even the largest of elephants. Despite being called gods, the Tribesmen do not worship these creature, but they hunt them. Entire bands of hunters will travel across the dry grass towards this creature to bring it down, for they are known to be incredibly dangerous and destructive if left unchecked. These creatures often resemble chimeras of different species, leading imperial scholars to believe there is something in the Savanna that is creating these strange beasts and that they are not natural.    Whatever the origin, the Imperial Record accounts for these Gods of the Bushlands since the Old Iron Empire. While the Old Iron Empire never penetrated deep into the Savanna, reports from their coastal cities mentioned these Titans and that whenever one would appear, tribes would send their best hunters to attempt to bring it down. Those who do are provided a special cloak and the title of "God Hunter".

Fauna & Flora

The Ivory Savanna is a grassland with clusters of trees but no massive canopy. With little water and dry soil, the trees that grow cannot rise to the great forests and jungles of other parts of the Shimmering Sea. However, most of the savanna is covered with grass that grows quickly during the rainy season and then quickly browns, giving the Savanna a golden look to it during the dry season. Trees will often conserve their resources, only truly blooming and turning green during the wet season. Bushes are often short and close to the ground, to reduce the chance of catching fire.    The Ivory Savanna Elephants are much larger than those of the Gold Coast, but they are not the only large animals that dwell on the savanna. There are also buffalo and lions, as well as faster predators like cheetahs and talon runners. Most of the herbivorous animals in the Savanna are migratory, relying on herd numbers or speed to avoid their predators in the vast, open, areas. Many of the Ivory Savanna Tribes know these migratory patterns and rely on them for their own survival. The Savanna is unforgiving to those who are not careful, as many of the predators use camouflage or mimicry to catch their prey, like snakes that blend in with the sand and grass. The insects can also grow to be quite large in the Savanna, most notably the Tsa-Gara which resembles a giant dragonfly. This creature primarily hunts around the permanent lakes and pools, which stay green throughout the year.
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